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Technical Advisory Service
2001 - 2004 archive
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Compliance Corner

Compliance corner comprises a series of issues that have arisen in the context of projects meeting technical standards. This page covers:

Preservation Strategy

It is a NOF Must requirement that "Preservation issues must be considered an integral part of the digital creation process" and "Projects must consider the value in creating a fully documented high-quality 'digital master' from which all other versions (e.g. compressed versions for accessing via the Web) can be derived".

To show that projects that are digitising content have considered preservation as an integral part of their process, projects should return details of their preservation strategy. It is expected that this strategy would include:

  • details of all file formats used for storage
  • the resolution of image files
  • the media used for storage
  • information stored alongside digital objects
  • how this information would be retrieved and used if needed


Further Reading

Technical Standards: 2.2.3. Preservation

nof-digitise Technical Advisory Service Programme Manual:
Section 2: Digital Preservation:
This document explains the concept as well as describing different technical strategies for digital preservation. It also covers procedures for the preparation of data and documentation for storage and preservation.

Existing guidance on forming a preservation strategy in FAQs


Return to Compliance Corner contents

UKOLN is funded by MLA, the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council, the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the Higher and Further Education Funding Councils, as well as by project funding from the JISC and the European Union. UKOLN also receives support from the University of Bath where it is based.

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This page is part of the NOF-digi technical support pages
The Web site is no longer maintained and is hosted as an archive by UKOLN.
Page last updated on Monday, May 09, 2005