1Reactions of platinum clusters 195Ptn±, n = 1–24, with N2O studied with isotopically enriched platinum
Type: Object |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: New |
ConceptID: Obj1
Reactions of platinum clusters 195Ptn±, n = 1–24, with N2O studied with isotopically enriched platinum
Type: Object |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: New |
ConceptID: Obj1
Cationic and anionic clusters 195Ptn±, 1 ≤ n ≤ 24, were generated by laser vaporization using an isotopically enriched platinum sample.
Type: Method |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: New |
ConceptID: Met1
The oxidation of the clusters by nitrous oxide under binary collision conditions was investigated as a function of charge and size in a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer.
Type: Object |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: New |
ConceptID: Obj2
The only reaction observed is sequential addition of an oxygen atom, with the loss of molecular N2.
Type: Observation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Obs1
The reaction rates as well as the number of reaction steps exhibit a strong and irregular dependence upon the number of atoms in the cluster and its charge.
Type: Observation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Obs2
These results show that isotopically enriched samples allow for the investigation of large cluster sizes together with an unambiguous assignment of reaction products and quantitative determination of rate constants.
Type: Conclusion |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Con1
Transition metals and their compounds, with their multitude of oxidation states, are efficient and frequently used catalysts.
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac1
The reactions of ionic metal clusters, in particular those involving transition metals, with small gas phase molecules represent convenient, relatively simple models for heterogeneous catalysis, and for these reasons they were in the last two decades extensively investigated by mass spectrometry.1–5
Type: Motivation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Mot1
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac2
Several groups have investigated dehydrogenation of simple hydrocarbons, such as methane, ethane, ethylene or acetylene on platinum cluster ions, and their reactions with various simple molecules, like CO, N2O or CH4.7,9–22
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac3
We have previously studied methane activation by gas phase Ptn± cluster ions in the n = 1–9 size range.7
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac3
Schwarz and coworkers succeeded, by mass-selecting the most intense peak, and then thermalizing the ions in argon collisions, in studying the reactions of 195Ptn+ with N2O and other small molecules up to n = .59
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac4
Larger clusters up to n = 30 have also been investigated in flow reactors,11,21 albeit without resolving the individual isotopomers, which made interpretation of the data somewhat difficult.
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac5
Heiz et al. succeeded in depositing size selected platinum clusters with up to 20 atoms on surfaces and investigated their chemical reactivity.23,24
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac6
While gas phase reactivity studies on metals like niobium or rhodium can easily be done for clusters of sizes ranging up to thirty atoms,6,25,26 large clusters of platinum and palladium have been studied in less detail.
Type: Motivation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Mot2
The reason for this is that unlike rhodium or niobium, which are monoisotopic elements, both palladium and platinum have six stable isotopes each.
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac7
For larger clusters, this very quickly leads to dilution of the signal among many isotopomers, and overlapping of the products with the reactants.
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac7
Both effects together so far have limited the cluster sizes accessible in reactivity studies.
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac7
All works in which the reactivity was probed in the gas phase by mass spectrometry with at least unit mass resolution, have therefore been restricted to smaller clusters, with ten atoms or less.7,9,14,19,20,22
Type: Motivation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Mot2
In the present study we use isotopically enriched platinum (97.28% 195Pt, Oak Ridge National Laboratories) to investigate the oxidation of 195Pt+/−n clusters, n = 1–24, with N2O under binary collision conditions in a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR) mass spectrometer.
Type: Goal |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Goa1
The platinum sponge was pressed into a disk and subjected to zonal melting.
Type: Experiment |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Exp1
The resulting pearl was rolled into a foil which was used as a target for our home-built laser vaporization source.26–29
Type: Experiment |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Exp2
In this source, the firing of the laser is synchronized with a helium pulse from a home-built piezo-electric valve.
Type: Experiment |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Exp2
From the laser generated plasma, cold clusters form in the supersonic expansion of the high pressure gas into high vacuum.
Type: Experiment |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Exp2
Ionic clusters are guided by a series of electrostatic lenses through several stages of differential pumping, and trapped and stored inside the ICR cell in the ultrahigh vacuum of the FT-ICR mass spectrometer (Bruker/Spectrospin CMS47X, 4.7 T, APEX III data station).
Type: Experiment |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Exp3
For each mass spectrum, clusters generated in 20 laser shots over a period of 2 s are accumulated in the cell.
Type: Experiment |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Exp4
To study ion-molecule reactions, the pressure inside the ICR cell was raised from its base value of about 2 × 10−10 mbar to a constant value of 2.0 × 10−8 mbar by controlled admission of N2O (99.5%, Messer Griesheim) at room temperature.
Type: Experiment |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Exp5
Mass spectra were acquired after a series of varying reaction delays.
Type: Method |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: New |
ConceptID: Met2
A crude selection of a cluster size range was accomplished by adjusting the timing of the cell trapping, effectively selecting a fraction of ions within a certain time of flight window from the source to the ICR cell.
Type: Method |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: New |
ConceptID: Met3
Relative rate constants were obtained by fitting the experimental data to pseudo-first order reaction kinetics, and converted to absolute rate constants and reaction efficiencies using the average dipole orientation (ADO) theory.30–32
Type: Method |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: Old |
ConceptID: Met4
The advantage of using isotopically enriched platinum is exemplified by the n = 7 cluster in Fig. 1.
Type: Method |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: New |
ConceptID: Met5
In the top trace, obtained with a non-enriched sample, the intensity is distributed over at least seventeen isotopic peaks.
Type: Observation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Obs3
In the bottom panel, obtained with the isotopically enriched target, a strong 195Pt7+ peak is present.
Type: Observation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Obs4
The weak side peaks corresponding to 194Pt195Pt6+ and 195Pt6196Pt+ clusters exhibit intensities that are consistent with the specified enrichment grade of the sample.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res1
A typical mass spectrum of cationic clusters 195Ptn+ with n = 10–21 after a reaction delay of 5 s is shown in Fig. 2.
Type: Observation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Obs5
The reactions occurring are quite simple, and similar to those observed previously for smaller clusters:9,14 Oxide clusters, 195PtnO+ are formed with loss of N2.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res2
Apparent is a size-specific variation in reactivity.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res3
While n = 11, 12, 15 and 20 are very reactive, n = 10, 13, 14, 19 and 21 show very little to no reactivity.
Type: Observation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Obs6
One can also see that in the case of n = 18, and to some extent n = 16, reaction with a second N2O occurs, resulting in the loss of another N2 molecule, and formation of dioxide clusters, 195PtnO2+.
Type: Observation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Obs7
More detailed insight and quantitative reaction rates are obtained by actually fitting the time-intensity profile to pseudo-first-order kinetics, as exemplified in Fig. 3. 195Pt8+ is shown in the top panel.
Type: Method |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: New |
ConceptID: Met6
In this case, one can follow an exponential decay of the reactant cluster, and the oxide product, 195Pt8O+ reacts further with a second molecule of N2O, resulting in a dioxide cluster 195Pt8O2+.
Type: Observation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Obs8
The figure also reveals that already at a nominal time t = 0 some product is present.
Type: Observation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Obs9
This is due to reactions occurring during the cluster accumulation period.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res4
As a second example, in the bottom panel the exponential decay of the 195Pt20+ cluster is shown, and concurrent growth of the only product, 195Pt20O+.
Type: Observation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Obs10
The reaction proceeds faster for n = 20 than for n = 8, but only one reaction step is observed.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res5
Overall, the chemistry pattern found for all of the clusters, both anions and cations, within the range studied is quite simple.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res6
We do not observe any evidence for loss of a platinum atom from the cluster, which would in the present analysis lead to a curvature of the reactant ion decay in the semi-logarithmic plots of Fig. 3.
Type: Observation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Obs11
When reaction upon collision with N2O does occur, the N2 molecule is lost, and the single oxygen atom adds to the cluster.
Type: Observation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Obs12
While in some cases, 195PtnO± appears unreactive, in others it reacts further to form the respective dioxide, 195PtnO2±.
Type: Observation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Obs13
In a few cases, also a third step resulting in 195PtnO3+ is detected, so that the reactions can be described by the simple equation pattern:Fig. 4 shows a graphical comparison of the observed rates, on a logarithmic scale, of the first reaction step, eqn. (1) for cations and anions as a function of cluster size.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res7
Numerical data for the first reaction step are summarized in Table 1, and for the second, and in the few cases it is observed, third reaction step in Table 2.
Type: Observation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Obs14
One finds that the rates of the reaction, as well as the number of oxidation steps observed in the time frame of the experiment vary appreciably, and in a seemingly random manner from cluster to cluster, and the reactivity pattern is also strongly dependent on the cluster charge.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res8
Among the cations, the n = 6 and 20 clusters exhibit the fastest reaction according to eqn. (1), with rates above the ADO collision efficiency.30–32
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res9
This indicates that the collision probability for large clusters is higher than predicted by the ADO theory.
Type: Conclusion |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Con2
In neither case does the primary product 195PtnO+ react further, and after about five seconds, these clusters are almost completely converted to the primary product.
Type: Observation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Obs15
The clusters n = 7, 8, 11, 12, 15 exhibit an appreciable reactivity, with the primary product reacting further (2).
Type: Observation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Obs16
On the other hand, no reaction could be established for clusters n = 10, 14, 23, and upper limits for their reactivity are derived.
Type: Observation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Obs17
Also rather unreactive are very small clusters 195Ptn+, n ≤ 5, with n = 1, 2, and 5 reacting only marginally, and no detectable reaction for n = 2–4.
Type: Observation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Obs18
For n = 15 and n = 18, also a third reaction step, according to (3), is observed, which is in both cases faster than the second step.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res10
The negative cluster ions overall react somewhat slower than the cations, and the size dependence is considerably different.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res11
Interestingly, the n = 6 cluster, which was the fastest reacting cluster among the cations, represents in fact a deep reactivity minimum among the anions, with the 195Pt6− cluster reacting twenty times slower than the neighboring n = 4,5,7,8 clusters.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res12
The n = 4 cluster, which is completely unreactive among the cations, is in fact the fastest reacting anion, and also exhibits a fast second reaction step to form 195Pt4O2−.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res13
On the other hand, the n = 10 and 14 clusters, which appear completely inert as cations, are also as anions quite unreactive.
Type: Observation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Obs19
To summarize the observations, one can understand the reactions as a decomposition of the nitrous oxide on the metal cluster surface, yielding an oxygen atom and molecular N2.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res14
While the oxygen atom oxidizes the platinum, the weakly bound nitrogen is released.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res14
We do not observe stabilization of the undecomposed N2O on the surface, and see no trace of products containing nitrogen.
Type: Observation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Obs20
The nearly three orders of magnitude wide variation in the reaction rates between various clusters may reflect their structural differences, and the presence of differently efficient “sites” on the cluster surface.
Type: Conclusion |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Con3
The fact that anions and cations behave differently may suggest considerable differences between the structures of anions and cations.
Type: Conclusion |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Con4
We have previously succeeded in “soft-landing” otherwise reactive molecules such as benzene or methane on a cluster surface by exchanging them for weaker bound argon ligands,4 and it might be interesting to try a similar experiment with N2O on platinum clusters.
Type: Conclusion |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Con5
Type: Conclusion |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Con6
Over the entire range of sizes explored, addition or subtraction of a single atom can change the reactivity by orders of magnitude.
Type: Conclusion |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Con7
Isotopically enriched platinum allows the quantitative investigation of size-dependent reactivities of platinum clusters.
Type: Conclusion |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Con8
The present work demonstrates the feasibility and the potential of this approach to further substantiate the notion introduced by Schwarz and coworkers that small platinum clusters can serve as model system for surface catalytic reactions.9
Type: Conclusion |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Con9
They also indicate, however, that, as was previously shown for supported platinum clusters by Heiz et al.,24 also in the gas phase “each atom counts”.
Type: Conclusion |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Con7