Using quasirelativistic density functional theory, we show the surprising stability of the tetrahedral cadmium pyramids Cd4, Cd10, Cd20, Cd35 and Cd56.
Type: Conclusion |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Con1
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac1
Actually, 20 is one of the “magic numbers” 8, 20, 40, 70 and 112 for electrons in a tetrahedron,3 stabilised by both electronic and atomic shell structure.
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac2
For the divalent Group-12 elements Zn and Cd, with two valence electrons per atom, anomalously strong abundance peaks are found for clusters of 6, 10, 18, 20, 28, 30, 32, 35, 40, 41, 46, 54, 57, 60 and 69 atoms.4,5
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac3
The peaks for CdN with N = 10, 20 and 35 are very pronounced.
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac4
While other than tetrahedral magic numbers occur, we here study the question whether the systems with the tetrahedral magic numbers are actually tetrahedral.
Type: Object |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: New |
ConceptID: Obj2
Strong alternative possibilities are amorphous or low-symmetry structures, which, using interatomic model potentials, have been found to be highly favoured by especially Au, Zn and Cd clusters.6–8
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac5
In an extensive pair-potential study of Zn and Cd clusters of up to 125 atoms, Doye8 found that only Zn4 and Cd4 possessed tetrahedral symmetry.
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac6
All the other potentially tetrahedral pyramids MN; N = 10, 20, 35, 56, 84 and 120, were assigned low or no-symmetry global minima.
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac7
As noted by Doye,8 the pair-potential used, being fitted to the bulk metal, is not expected to be optimal for small cluster sizes.
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac8
Here we present a reinvestigation of the smallest zinc and cadmium pyramids, using rigorous quantum chemical methodology.
Type: Object |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: New |
ConceptID: Obj3
Type: Method |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: Old |
ConceptID: Met1
We used Turbomole’s standard triple-zeta quality basis sets including an f-polarization function, TZVPP, and the resolution of the identity density-fitting approximation.11
Type: Model |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Mod1
The Stuttgart effective core potential12 modelled the scalar relativistic effects of cadmium.
Type: Model |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Mod2
To study the stability of the pyramids, we first optimised the molecular structures of the species using Td symmetry.
Type: Method |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: Old |
ConceptID: Met2
The structures of the optimised Cd-pyramids are shown in Fig. 1.
Type: Observation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Obs1
After optimisation, a frequency analysis was carried out to ensure a local minimum on the potential energy surface (PES).
Type: Method |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: Old |
ConceptID: Met3
Some calculated properties are tabulated in Table 1.
Type: Observation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Obs2
It can be seen that both zinc and cadmium clusters exhibit clear trends for most of the properties presented.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res1
The energy gap between the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO), an important stability factor, is, as expected, seen to decrease with increasing cluster size.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res2
For the two smallest pyramids, Zn and Cd are seen to have similar gaps, but after that, the spacings between the frontier orbitals of the Cd pyramids are larger than those of the corresponding Zn species.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res3
The pyramidal forms always have a larger gap than the lower symmetry isomers, this difference being larger for Cd.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res4
The reasonable HOMO–LUMO gap of especially the smaller cluster sizes does not of course mean that they are energetically the most favourable structures.
Type: Model |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Mod3
For comparison, we also reoptimised the structures of ref. 8 at DFT level, imposing the suggested symmetry.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res5
The energy difference between the Td symmetric isomers and the more disordered isomers is denoted by ΔEGupta in Table 1.
Type: Observation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Obs3
The energy order of the Zn clusters is as expected and predicted before; the tetrahedra lie higher in energy for N > 4 and the energy difference increases with cluster size.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res6
The cadmium clusters, on the other hand, show a markedly different behaviour.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res7
For Cd, the tetrahedra are favoured over the low-symmetry alternatives for Cd10 and Cd20.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res8
Furthermore; the Td-structures of Cd35 and Cd56 are only moderately destabilised with respect to the disordered structures of .ref. 8
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac9
To further establish the stability of the pyramidal Cd10 and Cd20, the low-symmetry isomers were allowed to relax to even lower symmetry.
Type: Method |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: Old |
ConceptID: Met4
For Cd10, this led to a change to C3v-symmetry and a stabilisation of the higher-lying, low-symmetry conformer by 7 kJ mol−1.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res9
The symmetry of Cd20 was lowered to Cs and the energy difference fell by 16 kJ mol−1, from 50 kJ mol−1 to 34 kJ mol−1.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res10
The cadmium pyramids have large planar surfaces.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res11
As the surface atoms have fewer bonding partners than atoms in a more contracted, amorphous structure, higher energies could be expected.
Type: Hypothesis |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Hyp1
On the other hand, in solid Zn and Cd, the c/a ratio is anomalously large.
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac10
The ultimate reason for this trend does not seem to be well established.
Type: Motivation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Mot1
A given atom prefers to have six nearest neighbours in a hexagonal lattice, and six others, further away in the two neighbouring planes.
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac11
As seen from Fig. 1, this is exactly what the present tetrahedra strive to do, visibly buckling outwards.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res12
Also, as noted before,8 in order to increase their coordination number, the surface atoms tend to contract their bond lengths.
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac12
The shortest bonds in the pyramids are indeed found between surface atoms, the bond length systematically decreasing with pyramid size, as seen in Table 1.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res13
Especially striking is the stability of the tetrahedral Cd20.
Type: Motivation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Mot2
Here we have to point out that no rigorous conformer search for Cd20 has been performed, so only an upper limit for the energy difference between full and lesser order has been obtained.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res14
A priori, nothing prevents a conformer even lower in energy than the pyramid from existing.
Type: Model |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Mod4
We believe this to be unlikely, however, at least at the level of theory used in this work.
Type: Hypothesis |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Hyp2
Comparing Cd20 with the Au20 cluster of Li et al2. reveals many similarities; the most stable structure of both seems to be a tetrahedral pyramid, they both fulfil a “magic number” electron-shell closing rule for their suggested potentials, their HOMO–LUMO gap is nearly identical and both have previously been assigned disordered minima.
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac13
Why are the small Cd pyramids so stable?
Type: Motivation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Mot3
The stability goes against the paradigm of Soler et al.,6 stating that the tendency for amorphisation should increase downwards (and to the right) in the periodic table.
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac14
One difference between Zn and Cd is that relativistic effects are more important for cadmium.
Type: Model |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Mod5
Type: Method |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: Old |
ConceptID: Met5
With relativistic effects omitted, the energy difference in favour of the pyramidal form decreases from 34 kJ mol−1 to only 10 kJ mol−1.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res15
This finding is similar to what has been noted for gold clusters.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res16
For gold, relativistic effects stabilise planar structures over 3D ones.13,14
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac15
The bond lengths seem to be indifferent to the inclusion of relativistic effects.
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac16
The bonds of the all-electron structure of Td-Cd20 are slightly shorter, but the difference is less than 1 pm.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res17
In any case, the underlying reason for the stability of the Cd pyramids has to be a many-body effect, not accounted for by empirical potentials.
Type: Hypothesis |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Hyp3
One possibly decisive effect is the nonmetal to metal transition threshold.
Type: Hypothesis |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Hyp4
Zn clusters have been found to show stronger metallicity than Cd clusters,15 which again turn metallic at smaller N than Hg clusters.
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac17
In fact, the next pyramid in the Cd series, Cd84, is at least 126 kJ mol−1 higher in energy than the no-symmetry isomer of .ref. 8
Type: Background |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Bac18
A transition from moderate to large energy difference between order and disorder is then seen between N = 10–20 and N = 56–84 for the Zn and Cd pyramids, respectively.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res18
We also briefly considered the tetrahedral HgN pyramids.
Type: Object |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: New |
ConceptID: Obj4
They have much longer bond lengths than the Cd pyramids, and are best characterized as van der Waals systems.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res19
A further point is thermal accessibility.
Type: Motivation |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Mot4
For N = 56, the energy difference of 28 kJ mol−1 corresponds to a mean vibrational energy 3(N − 6)kT/2 or 0.37 kJ mol−1 mode−1, or a temperature of 45 K. Thus, at higher temperatures, both forms may be accessible.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res20
This of course also applies in the cases where the pyramidal forms are more stable.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res21
If the low-symmetry structures have higher entropies than the tetrahedral ones, they will be favoured further at finite temperatures by their free energy G = H − TS.
Type: Model |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Mod6
Concluding, we find that the CdN clusters with N = 4, 10 and 20 indeed seem to prefer tetrahedral symmetries, while those with N = 35 and 56 have low-lying tetrahedral minima, only slightly above the alternatives.
Type: Conclusion |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Con2
The ultimate driving force behind this remains unknown but could be related to the structure of the bulk metal, whose lattice parameters a resemble the present surface bond lengths.
Type: Conclusion |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Con3
Among the numerous disordered Cd clusters, it is pleasing to find these beautiful exceptions.
Type: Result |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Res22
We duly note, however, that an exhaustive scan of the potential energy surface has not been performed; at present, this is still computationally unfeasible.
Type: Conclusion |
Advantage: None |
Novelty: None |
ConceptID: Con4