Density functional studies of the luminescence of Si29H36

The molecular structures of the ground and the lowest excited state of a Si29H36 cluster have been optimized at the density-functional-theory (DFT) level using the time-dependent perturbation-theory (TDDFT) approach for the excited state.

The electronic absorption and emission energies for the fully optimized molecular structures have been calculated at the TDDFT level.

The excitation energy calculated for the equilibrium structure of the excited state using the Becke–Perdew (BP) functional was found to be 0.72 eV smaller than the vertical excitation energy for the ground-state structure.

The calculated wavelength of the emitted light is 396 nm which agrees well with experiment as the silicon cluster emits blue light.

Small structural changes caused by the relaxation of the excited state introduce strains in the ground-state structure.

The strain and the relaxation are found to contribute equally to the large red shift of the emitted light.

Thus, the present calculations do not support the notion that the potential-energy surface of the excited state has a double-well structure.


A more detailed understanding of light absorption and light emission processes requires information about the potential-energy surfaces of both the ground and the involved excited states.

At absorption, the molecular system is excited from the ground state in its equilibrium geometry to an excited state and during the excitation process the molecular structure is approximately unchanged; the excitation is usually thought to be vertical.

However, the ground-state structure is not necessarily optimal for the excited state resulting in a relaxation of the molecular structure of the excited state.

The deexcitation giving rise to the luminescence can probably be considered to occur vertically from the relaxed excited state structure.

This simplified absorption-emission mechanism suggests that the emitted light is red shifted as compared to the absorbed one.

In photophysical studies of ultrasmall nano-sized Si particles, Nayfeh et al1–11. found that the absorption occurs in the ultra-violet (UV) region, whereas the excited Si particles emitted blue light with such a high intensity that one was able to observe the individual particles.

Experimental and computational studies suggested that the Si nanoparticles most likely consist of 29 Si atoms which is a magic number for approximately spherically shaped clusters of Td symmetry.

Spectroscopic studies showed that the Si cluster is covered by hydrogens.

Si particles with carbon, nitrogen, or oxygen termination have also been prepared5,8 and studied computationally.12,13

The electronic absorption spectrum up to the ionization threshold has recently been calculated for the Si cluster at density-functional-theory (DFT) levels and the accuracy of the obtained excitation energies were checked using coupled-cluster response-theory (CC2) calculations.14

At the DFT level using the Becke–Perdew (BP) functional, the excitation energy of the first excited state is 3.85 eV which agrees well with the experimental excitation threshold of 3.7 eV.

Calculations at the CC2 level and DFT calculations using a hybrid functional yielded somewhat larger excitation energies, whereas calculations at the coupled-cluster singles (CCS)14 and the closely related configuration-interaction singles (CIS) levels6–8 yielded an excitation threshold of about 6 eV.

The calculations also showed that the silicon cluster of 1 nm size possesses a band structure consisting of more than one hundred excited states below the ionization threshold at about 8 eV.14

Experimentally, the excited Si cluster is found to emit blue light which corresponds to an excitation energy of about 3 eV.

Thus, the relaxation of the excited state leads to a huge shift of about 0.7 eV.

The large red shift of the luminescence has been explained by localized surface states in the Si nanocluster.15

Based on empirical tight-binding and first-principle local-density calculations, Allan et al15. proposed that such states exist under the form of self-trapped excitons at the Si–Si dimers on the nanocluster surface.

Nayfeh et al1. adopted their notion and examined various photoexcitation pathways involved in accessing and populating these molecular states.1

They found that the ground state has an all-confining single well, whereas the excited state has a double-well potential.

The inner minimum corresponds to a normal nonradiative delocalized excited state with a Si–Si distance of the surface dimer of 2.35 Å, while the outer minimum corresponds to a radiative and trapped excitonic surface state with a Si–Si interspacing of 3.85 Å.1,16

In this work, the molecular structure of the first excited state of the Si29H36 cluster has been fully optimized at the time-dependent density-functional-theory (TDDFT) level.

The corresponding emission spectrum as well as the absorption spectrum for the ground-state structure have been studied by employing TDDFT calculations.

The potential-energy curve for a relaxation pathway of the first excited state of the Si29H36 cluster has also been investigated.

Computational methods

The molecular structure of the Si29H36 cluster was optimized in the ground and the first excited state using the Turbomole program.17

Structure optimizations were performed at the density-functional-theory (DFT) level18 using a gradient-corrected local-density approximation (BP)19–21 and triple-zeta valence quality basis sets augmented with polarization functions (TZVP).22

Previous calculations showed that at least TZVP basis sets have to be used in order to obtain an accurate excitation spectrum.14

The absorption and emission spectra were calculated using the time-dependent perturbation-theory approach (TDDFT).23,24

The molecular structure of the first excited state was fully optimized at the BP TDDFT level using the Egrad module of Turbomole.25,26

The molecular structure of the ground state of the Si29H36 cluster belongs to the Td point group, whereas the symmetry of the first excited state was found to be D2d.


The molecular structure of the Si29H36 cluster is shown in Fig. 1, and the bond lengths of the ground and excited states are given in Table I. Structure changes (ΔR) due to the relaxation of the excited state are also given in the table.

When the molecular structure of the Si cluster in the first excited state is assumed to belong to the Td point group, the luminescence energy is red shifted by 0.26 eV as compared to the absorption threshold, while when the cluster is allowed to relax to a D2d structure, the energy decreases by 0.72 eV yielding a deexcitation energy of 3.14 eV.

Thus, the wavelength of the emitted light is 396 nm; blue light is emitted as also detected experimentally.1–9

In Table I, one can see that the changes in the bond lengths are rather small.

The largest difference of 2.1 pm is obtained for the Si(2)–Si(4) bond.

Si(2) is attached to Si(1), which is the central Si atom, and to Si(4) which is a surface Si atom with only one attached hydrogen.

See Fig. 1 for the atom numbering.

The bonds to the central Si(1) become 1.1 pm longer than for the ground state, while when the Td symmetry is enforced on the excited state, the Si(1)–Si(2) bond becomes 3.3 pm longer than for the ground state.

The changes in the bond lengths are remarkably small especially when one considers that the difference between the absorption and emission energies is as large as 0.72 eV.

The calculations show that there are two equal sources to the huge red shift: the relaxation of the excited state and the energy shift due to the strain of the ground state.

In Table 2, the excitation energies of the first few dipole-allowed excitations are given.

In the first three columns, the excitation energy and oscillator strengths obtained using the Td structure of the ground state are given, while the remaining columns contain the corresponding data obtained using the optimized D2d structure of the first excited state.

The absorption and emission spectra obtained using the data of Table 2 are displayed in Fig. 2.

As the emission spectrum is also constructed from calculated excitation energies and oscillator strengths, not all contributions to the emission are taken into account.27

For the luminescence spectrum, the molecular structure of the 1b2 state has been assumed.

Population of higher excited states leads to other molecular structures and different luminescence spectra.

By optimizing the doubly degenerate 1e state one obtains a higher luminescence energy of about 3.5 eV, whereas for symmetry reasons, the three individual components of the 1t2 state are identical.

The relaxation pathway between the molecular structures of the ground and first excited states is difficult to compute.

However, as a first guess one can assume that in the relaxation process the internal coordinates change linearly between the two extremes.

The excitation energy plot shown in Fig. 3 is obtained from such an interpolation procedure.

As seen in the figure, the excitation energy is a smooth function decreasing from 3.85 eV for the ground-state structure and reaching 3.14 eV for the fully optimized structure of the excited state.

The potential-energy curves for the ground and excited states along the same trajectory are shown in Fig. 4.

The potential-energy curves for both states are smooth functions with one single minimum each.

No avoiding crossing yielding double minima of the potential-energy surface of the excited state, as previously proposed, can be seen in the figure.

Fig. 4 shows that energy shift due to the relaxation of the excited state is equally significant to the red shift as the strain-energy contribution of the ground state.

The chosen trajectory is not necessarily the exact pathway of the relaxation process.

However, the absence of a potential threshold along this trajectory for the excited state shows that the molecular structure of the excited state is, after excitation, relaxed without any barrier.

In order to check whether the excited state has an outer potential minimum trapping an exciton state at the surface of the Si cluster, the optimization of the molecular structure of the first excited state was performed without any symmetry constraints i.e. in C1 symmetry starting from a structure with a long Si(3)–Si(5) distance of 3.18 Å.

However, no outer potential minimum could be found in the reoptimization of the first excited state.

This, and the fact that the absorption and the emission energies are in close agreement with experimental data indicate that the potential-energy curve of the excited state does not possess any outer minimum.

The present calculations thus show that it is most unlikely that the potential-energy curve of the excited state has two minima separated by a barrier as previously suggested by Allan et al.15

Instead, the small structural changes due to the relaxation of the excited state result in a lower energy for the excited state and simultaneously the energy of the ground state increases significantily due to the strain.

These two contributions seem to be equally responsible for the obtained luminescence shift of 0.72 eV.