The I2S2 Project (Archived Site)
The I2S2 project has ended and consequently this website is no longer being maintained
The Infrastructure for Integration in Structural Sciences (I2S2) Project is funded under the Research Data Management Infrastructure strand of the JISC's Managing Research Data Programme, with a duration of 18 months (Oct 2009 to March 2011).
I2S2 will identify requirements for a data-driven research infrastructure in "Structural Science", focusing on the domain of Chemistry, but with a view towards inter-disciplinary application. I2S2 will develop use cases that explore perspectives of scale and complexity and research discipline throughout the data lifecycle.
Two research data management pilots based on the use cases, will examine the business processes of research, and highlight the benefits of an integrated approach. Both pilots will address traversing administrative boundaries between institutions to national facilities in addition to issues of scale (local laboratory to national facilities, DIAMOND synchrotron and ISIS respectively). Pilot 2 in particular, will apply the approach to Earth Sciences and demonstrate the benefit to scientific disciplines other than Chemistry.
A key component of the infrastructure will be a harmonised Integrated Information Model to include all stages of the Data Life Cycle.
A "before and after" cost-benefit analysis will be performed using the Keeping Research Data Safe (KRDS2) model, which will be extended to address inter-disciplinary requirements in I2S2.
Project Plan:
The project plan is available: [PDF]
Project Deliverables:
D1.1 Requirements Report, July 2010: [Main Report (PDF), Lifecycle Model with notes (PDF), Supplementary Report (PDF)]
D2.1 Extended Cost Model, April 2011: I2S2 Extended Cost Model (PDF)
D2.2 Cost Analysis Phase 1, April 2011: I2S2 Benefit Use Cases (PDF)
D3.2 Implementation Plan, October 2010: I2S2 Implementation Plan (PDF)
D3.3 Two Pilot Implementations, April 2011: I2S2 Pilot Implementations (PDF)
D4.1 Cost Analysis Phase 2, May 2011: I2S2 Benefit Case Study (PDF)
D4.2 Business Models & Sustainability Plan, June 2011: I2S2 Sustainability Plan (PDF)
Project Dissemination:
I2S2 Project Dissemination Workshop, Data Infrastructure Challenges: working across scale, disciplinary and institutional boundaries, 5th May 2011, Leicester
Martin Dove and Brian Matthews, The I2S2 Project, JISC Managing Research Data (International) Programme Workshop, 28-29th March 2011, Birmingham, [JISC MRD Infrastructure Projects]
Manjula Patel, The benefits of more effective research data management in UK universities, JISC Conference 2011: Financial Challenges, Digital Opportunities, 14-15th March 2011: [PDF]
Manjula Patel, Integrated research data management in the Structural Sciences, Scaling Up to Integrated Research Data Management Workshop, IDCC 2010, 6th December 2010, Chicago: [PPT]
Erica Yang, Brian Matthews, Michael Wilson, Enhancing the Core Scientific Metadata Model to Incorporate Derived Data,IEEE eScience 2010: [abstract (PDF)]
Erica Yang, Manjula Patel, Brian Matthews, Scaling Up Scientific Data Management Infrastructure, JISC All Hands Meeting 2010, Cardiff, Tuesday 14th Sept. 2010: [PDF]
Manjula Patel, Project presentation at MRD Programme Progress Workshop, Manchester Conference Centre, 17-18th May 2010 [PDF]
Liz Lyon, Codes, Clouds & Constellations: Open Science in the Data Decade, CNI Meeting, April 2010, Baltimore: [PPT]
Simon Coles, Project presentation at the JISC Research Data Management Infrastructure Launch Meeting, 27th November 2009, London: [PPT]
Liz Lyon, Open science at web-scale: Optimising participation and predictive potential, JISC Consultative Report, November 2009: [ PDF from JISC website]
Project Partners
- UKOLN, University of Bath
- Digital Curation Centre
- University of Southampton
- University of Cambridge
- Science & Technology Facilities Council
- Charles Beagrie Ltd.