Liz Lyon - Presentations
Towards Open Data by Default: Global Directives for Local Impact
Dr Liz Lyon, Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre,
Director, UKOLN Informatics,
University of Bath, UK
Plenary presentation entitled: Towards Open Data by Default: Global Directives for Local Impact given at
UCL Open Access Week Forum, London, October 2013
Presentation: [Video]
Roadmaps, Roles & Re-engineering: Developing Data Informatics Capability in Libraries
Dr Liz Lyon, Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre,
Director, UKOLN,
University of Bath, UK
Conference presentation entitled: Roadmaps, Roles & Re-engineering:
Developing Data Informatics Capability in Libraries given at
LIBER 2013, Kardinal-Wendel-Haus, Munich, June 2013
Presentation: [PDF]
Data Publishing: Challenges for HEIs and Libraries
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre,
University of Bath, UK
Symposium presentation entitled: Data Publishing: Challenges for HEIs and Libraries given at
The Now and Future of Data Publishing, St. Anne’s College, Oxford, May 2013
Presentation: [PDF]
From data management to data science: current trends and future challenges
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, Associate Director, UK Digital Curation
University of Bath, UK
Workshop presentation entitled: From data management to data science: current trends and future challenges given at
DST Seminar, Pretoria South Africa, November 2012
Presentation: [PDF]
is a Data Scientist? (Data Scientists in the Wild)
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, Associate Director, UK Digital Curation
University of Bath, UK, and Dr Kenji Takeda, Microsoft Research Connections.
Workshop presentation entitled: What is a Data Scientist? (Data
Scientists in the Wild) given at
Microsoft eScience Workshop, Chicago, October 2012
Presentation: [PDF]
Digital Curation for Modern Universities
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre,
University of Bath, UK
Workshop presentation entitled: Digital Curation for Modern Universities given
MURG Workshop, London, September 2012
Presentation: [PDF]
Incremental Change or Revolution?
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre,
University of Bath, UK
Keynote presentation entitled: Incremental Change or Revolution? Libraries and the Informatics Transform given
Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA), University of Zadar, Croatia, June 2012
Presentation: [PDF]
Building Capacity and Capability for Data
Dr Liz Lyon, Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Presentation entitled: Building Capacity and Capability for Data: Requirements, Challenges, Opportunities given
Workshop: Skills and Human Resources for e-Infrastructures within Horizon 2020, Brussels, Belgium, May 2012
Presentation: [PDF]
Partnering for research data
Dr Liz Lyon, Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
2nd LIBER International Workshop on Digital Preservation, Florence, Italy, May 2012
Presentation: [PDF]
Research Data & Institutions:
Roles & Responsibilities?
Dr Liz Lyon, Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Presentation given at Panel: Opening science through e-infrastructures
Horizon 2020 consultation event: Open Infrastructures for Open Science
Rome, April 2012
Presentation: [PDF]
The Informatics Transform: Re-engineering
Libraries for the Data Decade
Dr Liz Lyon, Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
VALA2012, Melbourne, Australia, February 2012
Presentation: [PDF]
Share your genome? Dealing with very personal data
Professor Adam Hedgecoe, Associate Director CESAGEN
ESRC Centre for Social and Economic Aspects of Genomics, Cardiff University
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
DCC Symposium, 7th International Digital Curation Conference, Bristol, December 2011
Presentation: [PDF]
Introducing the Community Capability Model Project
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
Workshop 3, 7th International Digital Curation Conference, Bristol, December 2011
Presentation: [PDF]
Evolution or revolution? The changing data landscape
(Note: Slides updated from previous version of this talk.)
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
4th DCC Regional Roadshow, Oxford, September 2011
Presentation: [PDF]
Evolution or revolution? The changing data landscape
(Note: Slides updated from previous version of this talk.)
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
3rd DCC Regional Roadshow, Glasgow, June 2011
Presentation: [PDF]
[News item]
Building a data citation demonstrator for bionetwork models
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
SageCite Congress, San Francisco, April 2011
Presentation: [PDF]
[News item]
Evolution or revolution? The changing data landscape
(Note: Slides updated from previous version of this talk.)
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
2nd DCC Regional Roadshow, Sheffield, March 2011
Presentation: [PDF]
[Powerpoint] (Permalink)
Facing the Data Challenge : Institutions, Disciplines, Services & Risks
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
1st DCC Regional Roadshow, Bath, November 2010
Presentation: [HTML]
[Powerpoint] (Permalink)
Evolution or revolution? The changing data landscape
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
1st DCC Regional Roadshow, Bath, November 2010
Presentation: [HTML]
[Powerpoint] (Permalink)
UK Digital Curation Centre: enabling research data management at the coalface
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
Microsoft Research Faculty Summit 2010, Redmond, Washington, USA, July 2010
Presentation: [HTML]
[Powerpoint] (Permalink)
the Gap: Reflections on Data Policies and Practice
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
JISC/CNI Meeting, The Carlton Hotel, Edinburgh, July 2010
Presentation: [HTML]
[Powerpoint] (Permalink)
as Advocate? Seven steps for libraries in the data decade
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
IATUL Conference, Purdue University, June 2010
Presentation: [HTML]
[Powerpoint] (Permalink)
Science at Genome Scale
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
Survive or Thrive Workshop, Manchester, June 2010
Presentation: [HTML]
E: Citation
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
Sage Commons Congress, San Francisco, April 2010
Presentation: [HTML]
This presentation was recorded at the Sage Commons Congress and
can be watched or downloaded from:
Clouds & Constellations: Open Science in the Data Decade
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
CNI Meeting, Baltimore, April 2010
Presentation: [HTML]
[Video external link]
[Video external
link] (Permalink)
Serving Digital
Citizens: Public Libraries in the 21stC?
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
LGA / MLA Conference, London, December 2009
Presentation: [HTML]
Science at Web-Scale: Breaking all Barriers?
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
eResearch Australasia, November 2009
Presentation: [HTML]
C21st Scholarship:
Data as an Agent for Change
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
3rd Bloomsbury Conference, London, June 2009
Presentation: [HTML]
[Powerpoint] (Permalink)
Data Informatics
Top Ten : (for Libraries)
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
iEXPO Conference, Paris, June 2009
Presentation: [HTML]
[Powerpoint] (Permalink)
Libraries and Team
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
ICSTI Conference, Ottawa, Canada, June 2009
Presentation: [HTML]
[Powerpoint] [Video
exernal link] (Permalink)
Dealing with the
Data Cloud
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
Research Committee University of Bath, November 2008
Presentation: [HTML]
[Powerpoint] (Permalink)
or Transform? Repositioning the Library for the Petabyte Era
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
ARL/CNI Forum, Washington DC, October 2008
Presentation: [HTML]
This presentation was recorded at the ARL/CNI Forum and can be accessed
Update on Selected Activities
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
MLA Digital Services Meeting, London, July 2008.
[Powerpoint] (Permalink)
with Data: One Year On
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
Max Planck eScience Seminar, Goettingen, June 2008.
[Powerpoint] (Permalink)
with Data: Perspectives on Progress to Date
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
Research Data Management Workshop, Oxford, June 2008.
[Powerpoint] (Permalink)
Virtual Research Environments: Into the
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Enabling Innovation conference, Birmingham. April 2008
[Powerpoint] (Permalink)
30th Anniversary
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
UKOLN 30th Anniversary celebration, The British Library, London. April
Presentation: [HTML]
[Powerpoint] (Permalink)
eCrystals Federation
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Dr Simon Coles, University of Southampton, UK
Open Repositories 2008, University of Southampton, April 2008
Presentation: [HTML]
[Powerpoint] (Permalink)
Federation: Open Repositories for Data-driven Science
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Dr Simon Coles, University of Southampton, UK
Chemical Informatics Workshop, University of Manchester, March 2008
Presentation: [HTML]
[Powerpoint] (Permalink)
Perspectives on the Curation and Preservation of Scientific Data
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
AAAS Annual Meeting, Boston, February 2008
Presentation: [HTML]
[Powerpoint] (Permalink)
Federation: Open Repositories for global Open Science
Dr Liz Lyon, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Dr Simon Coles, University of Southampton, UK
DRIVER Summit, Gottingen, January 2008
Presentation: [HTML]
[Powerpoint] (Permalink)
eCrystals Federation: Open Repositories for Open Science
Dr Liz Lyon, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Dr Simon Coles, University of Southampton, UK
Dr Manjula Patel, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
CNI Taskforce Meeting, Washington DC, December 2007
Presentation: [HTML]
[Powerpoint] (Permalink)
Opening Keynote Address: From Audience to Avatar? Transformational Technologies
for the Cultural Sector
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
MLA NE ICT Conference, University of Teesside, November 2007
Presentation: [HTML]
[Powerpoint] (Permalink)
Keynote Address: Open Science and the Research Library: Roles, Challenges
and Opportunities?
Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre
ARL Directors' Meeting, Cambridge, Massachusetts, November 2007
Presentation: [HTML]
[Powerpoint] (Permalink)
Keynote Address: Curating the Scientific Record: The Challenges Ahead
NERC Data Management Workshop, October 2007
Liz Lyon
Presentation: [HTML]
[Powerpoint] (Permalink)
Audience to Avatar? Transforming the cultural experience towards 2012
MLA Digital Futures Strategy Workshop, September 2007
Liz Lyon
Presentation: [HTML]
[Powerpoint] (Permalink)
with Data: Roles, Rights, Responsibilities & Relationships
JISC Digital Repositories Conference, Manchester June 2007
Liz Lyon
Presentation: [HTML]
with Data: Roles, Rights, Responsibilities & Relationships in the
European Context
ECRI 2007, June 2007, Hamburg
Liz Lyon
Presentation: [HTML] [Powerpoint]
Futures for MLAs? A snapshot in real time.
UKOLN/MLA meeting, 18th May 2007
Liz Lyon
Presentation: [HTML]
[Powerpoint] (Permalink)
Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships
Opening the research data lifecycle, JISC Conference, March 2007
Liz Lyon
Presentation: [HTML]
[Powerpoint] (Permalink)
Address: Reflections on open scholarship: process, product and people
2nd International Digital Curation Conference,
Glasgow, 21-22 November 2006
Liz Lyon
Presentation: [Powerpoint]
Academy e-Resources Policy Review: UKOLN Report
E-Resources Workshop, British Academy, London, 9 November 2006
Liz Lyon
Presentation: [HTML]
to the longer term: some perspectives on data curation and preservation
Institution of Mechanical Engineers, "Grand Challenge" one-day
seminar, London, 26 September 2006
Liz Lyon
Presentation: [HTML]
Value to Data and Information: Moving towards a Science Commons?
Science Commons Workshop, Brussels, September 2006
Liz Lyon
Presentation: [HTML]
institutions and the social fabric of the Web
MLA Partnership Digital Agenda Scoping Group, 26 June 2006
Liz Lyon
Presentation: [HTML]
Keynote Address: Digital libraries and digital scholarship:
changing roles and responsibilities?
SCONUL Conference and AGM, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 21-23 June 2006
Liz Lyon
Presentation: [HTML]
repositories as research infrastructure: a UK perspective
Liz Lyon
European Infrastructure for Repositories of Scientific Information,
Brussels, 8-9 June 2006
Presentation: [HTML]
Supporting Digital Curation to safeguard research data: adding
value today and ensuring long-term access
Liz Lyon
JISC Conference, Birmingham, March 2006
Presentation: [HTML]
Address: Digital Libraries and the business process: reflections on
a theme
Liz Lyon
BL/JISC/UKOLN Workshop, British Library, London, March 2006
Presentation: [HTML]
Digital Libraries and e-Research: new horizons, new challenges?
Liz Lyon
8th International Bielefeld Conference, Germany, February 2006
Presentation: [HTML]
Adding value to open access research data: reflections on the
process of data curation
Liz Lyon
3rd European Conference on Research Infrastructures, Nottingham, December
Presentation: [HTML]
An Introduction to the UK Digital Curation Centre
Liz Lyon
CURL/SCONUL Workshop, London, December 2005
Presentation: [HTML]
UK Digital Curation Centre - An Introduction
Liz Lyon
IACMST MED Forum, London, November 2005
Presentation: [Powerpoint]
Starting to explore the role of memory institutions within the
social fabric of the new Web
Liz Lyon
SWMLAC ICT Masterclass
Dillington House, Taunton, November 2005
Presentation: [HTML]
Digital Libraries and e-Research: a UK perspective on a changing
Liz Lyon
eScience Forum, Berlin, October 2005.
Presentation: [HTML]
Adding value to open access research data: the eBank UK Project.
Liz Lyon
OAI4, CERN Geneva, October 2005.
Presentation: [HTML]
Emergent technologies and digitisation: the institutional impact.
Liz Lyon & Kevin Edge
VC's Retreat, Swindon, October 2005
Presentation: [HTML]
Developing e-Infrastructure to support new research and learning
Liz Lyon.
DEFF conference, Copenhagen, September 2005
Presentation: [HTML]
Data, information and knowledge repositories: developing infrastructure
to support the e-Research landscape
Liz Lyon.
euroCRIS Strategic Seminar, Brussels, September 2005
Presentation: [HTML]
Delivering (e)-services to the community: who, what, where,
when, how?
Liz Lyon.
SWMLAC ICT Masterclass, Taunton, 22 July 2005.
Presentation: [HTML]
eBank UK : linking research data, learning and scholarly communications.
Liz Lyon with Dr Simon Coles, School of Chemistry, University of Southampton
JISC Joint Programmes Meeting, Cambridge, 7-8 July 2005
Presentation: [HTML]
From Research data to new knowledge: a lifecycle approach
Liz Lyon
CNI-JISC-SURF Conference, Amsterdam, 10-11 May 2005
Presentation: [HTML]
UK Digital Curation Centre One Year On
Liz Lyon and Chris Rusbridge
CNI, Washington, 4-5 April 2005
Presentation: [HTML]
the Global Knowledge Space.
Liz Lyon.
SWMLAC ICT Masterclass, Bristol, 26 January 2005.
Presentation: [Powerpoint]
Digital Library developments supporting eResearch
Liz Lyon
British Library, November 2004
Presentation: [HTML]
Library futures in the new research landscape.
Liz Lyon
CURL Members Meeting, London, October 2004
Presentation: [Powerpoint]
Future-proofing the technology - addressing the challenge
Liz Lyon
Collaboration for Sustainability Conference, Bath, October 2004.
Presentation: [Powerpoint]
eBank UK - linking research data, scholarly communications and
Liz Lyon
JISC CNI Conference, Brighton, July 2004.
Presentation: [HTML]
Reflections on a changing landscape - information as a consumer utility
Liz Lyon
JISC Joint Programmes Meeting, Brighton, July 2004.
Presentation: [HTML]
e-Research: Trends, requirements and challenges.
Liz Lyon
Cross Research Council ICT Conference, NeSC, Edinburgh, 17-19 May 2004.
Presentation: [HTML]
Enhancing access to e-resources.
Liz Lyon
JISC RSC South East Workshop, April 2004.
Presentation: [HTML]
Realising the scholarly knowledge cycle: the experience of eBank
Liz Lyon
CNI Task Force, Spring 2004, Alexandria, Virginia, USA.
Presentation: [HTML]
Moving towards e-Research: some recent trends.
Liz Lyon
JISC Collaborative e-Research Environments Workshops
Edinburgh and Warwick, February/March 2003
Presentation: [HTML]
Transformational Change? The potential impact of ICT on Museums,
Libraries and Archives.
Liz Lyon and Bob Sharpe
SWMLAC Forum, November 2003
Presentation: [HTML]
Introducing Research Grids and e-Science - what's in it for the Humanities?
Liz Lyon
Digital Resources for the Humanities Conference, September 2003.
Presentation: [Powerpoint]
Enhancing access to e-resources.
Liz Lyon
RSC-South West workshop, July 2003.
Presentation: [HTML]
- providing support to the RSCs.
Liz Lyon
RSC Managers meeting, June 2003.
Presentation: [HTML]
Common Information Environment - in Context
Liz Lyon
Common Information Environment Group Awayday, April 2003
Presentation: [HTML]
Enhancing access the the Collected Cultural Memory of the South
Liz Lyon, & Sharpe, Bob.
SWMLAC Board, February 2003. (Permalink)
Tools for the Trade? Supporting Multidisciplinary Research.
Liz Lyon
JISC Committees (JCIE/JCSR) Awayday, December 2002.
Presentation: [HTML]
Building digital libraries for the future - a UK perspective
- July 2002.
Liz Lyon
Pre-conference Tutorial session.
China Digital Library Conference 2002, Beijing, China. (Permalink)
Emerging Information Architectures for Distributed Digital Libraries
- July 2002
Liz Lyon.
China Digital Library Conference 2002, Beijing, China. (Permalink)
Shaping the e-Future? Grids, Web Services and Digital Libraries
- June 2002
Liz Lyon
(Joint presentation with Prof Tony Hey, Director UK e-Science Programme)
4th International JISC/CNI Conference, Edinburgh
Building Blocks and Information Architectures... to support
Learning, Teaching and Research - April 2002
Liz Lyon
Information architectures and distributed digital libraries
- March 2002
Liz Lyon
Delos/NSF All projects meeting, Rome.
Developing Information Architectures... to support Research,
Learning and Teaching - March 2002
Liz Lyon
UCISA Conference
DNER Architecture - 16 February 2001
Andy Powell and Liz Lyon
DNER Architecture Study Consultation Meeting, Charity Centre, London
PATRON: Using a Multimedia Digital Library for Learning and
Teaching in the Performing Arts - 2000
Liz Lyon
EDUCAUSE 2000, October 2000, Nashville, Tennessee, US.
A question of balance? Managing a multimedia digital library
for learning and teaching in higher education - 2000
Liz Lyon
Digital Rights Management & Digital Distribution for Publishing
Conference, July 2000, London. (Permalink)
Project Patron: a digital library for the Performing Arts -
J. Maslin and Liz Lyon
Digital Resources in the Humanities Conference, September 1999 London.
Proc. International Dance and Technology Conference, February 1999,
Liz Lyon (1999)
State University, USA. (Permalink)