New Library Services
Education and lifelong learning
Community history and identity
Slide 13
If you are giving the longer presentation just read out the five new library services and move on to the next slide. If you are giving the shorter presentation use the speaker’s notes here and then go on straight to slide 13. Powerpoint users MUST click on the big image to go to slide 13.
- Public libraries will retain the best of their current services whilst developing exciting new ones:
- People will be able to use the terminals in the library to access online learning resources e.g. ScienceNet - an online service that allows you to submit questions to a panel of scientists (URL: Librarians will help train people to use these resources.
- Libraries will provide access to the increasing amount of official information available online and allow people to communicate with their officials through the use of facilities such as email.
- Public libraries will have access to more up to date business information from all around the world, e.g. stock market figures, trade organisations, job search organisations, consumer news.
- Local history collections will be made available online, email will allow people to contact history experts around the world.
- The National Digital Library will consist of vast electronic collections of materials held in libraries, galleries and museums. People will be able to access these through their computers at home or through the terminals in the libraries.