Is there specific metadata available for learning and teaching?

There are a number of different standards available such as the IMS Learning Resource Metadata Model and IEEE Learning Object Metadata (LOM). However both these place a significant overhead on the metadata creator; a LOM record could take an hour or more to complete in extreme cases, for example.

An alternative might be to use Dublin Core with the extensions proposed by the Education Working Group (DCEd) of the DCMI. They have proposed an "Audience" element, and suggest adopting "InteractivityType", "InteractivityLevel", and "TypicalLearningTime" elements from the IEEE LOM standard.

More general information on educational metadata is available in the two recent SCHEMAS Metadata Watch reports.

Also see the UK's Metadata for Education Group and note that the UK Government Information Age Champions group are working on a metadata schema that is likely to use Dublin Core.

Further Information