What are the advantages of Static versus dynamic Web pages?

The terms "dynamic Web pages" and "dynamic Web sites" can be used in a number of senses, so it is important to clarify the meaning.

  1. The term "dynamic Web page" is sometimes used to refer to pages which contain moving images or scrolling text. Such pages may simply use dynamic GIFs, may use multimedia formats such as Macromedia's Flash technology or may make use of a language such as ECMAscript (JavaScript) or Java.
  2. The term "dynamic Web site" may also refer to Web sites which provide interfaces to search facilities or backend databases, in which server-side technologies (such as CGI) are used to interrogate databases, file store or legacy systems held on the server and display results based on a user query; for example a Web site which provides access to a library OPAC.
  3. The term "dynamic Web page" may also be used to refer to pages which may be personalised for the end user, either by the end user selecting preferred options or by the system choosing the preferred options based on the end user profile. An example is the My.Netscape service (which allows users to select the resources which are displayed, from options such as weather information, news, horoscopes, etc.).
  4. The term "dynamic Web page" may also be refer to pages which are personalised for the end user's device or browser. For example, different pages may be sent to Netscape and Internet Explorer browsers, to users of browsers for the visually impaired, WebTVs, PDAs or WAP phones.
  5. The term "dynamic Web page" may also be refer to pages which will alter based on actions by the end user. For example a menu may expand as the user moves the cursor over the menu item. This approach is normally provided by use of a client-side scripting language such as ECMAscript (JavaScript) which will manipulate HTML and CSS elements based on end user actions, such as mouse movements and mouse clicks. The term "Dynamic HTML" (DHTML) is often used in this context.
  6. The term "dynamic Web site" may be used to refer to a Web site which makes use of a server-side scripting environment such as PHP or ASP (Active Server Pages) or a content management system such as Zope or ColdFusion. It should be noted that such technologies may be used to provide dynamic Web pages (as defined in 1-5) but they may also be used to provide static Web pages.

Movement on a Web page (example 1) may be useful in some cases. However, for accessibility purposes, the end user should be able to switch off scrolling text or moving images.

Access to search facilities, backend databases and legacy systems (example 2) is desirable on many Web sites.

Web sites which can be personalised for the end user (example 3) may be desirable in some cases.

Web sites which can be personalised for the end user's client environment (example 4) may be desirable. However users should not be disenfranchised if they have an unusual client environment.

Dynamic Web sites (example 5) may be desirable in some cases. However users should not be disenfranchised if their browser does not support ECMAscript, or if ECMAscript is disabled (e.g. for security purposes).

If you are considering developing a dynamic Web site you should consider the performance implications and the effect on caching. Will the performance of your service deteriorate if, for example, server-side scripting is used, or will the performance on the end users PC deteriorate if it is not powerful enough to support Java or ECMAscript? In addition will pages on the Web site fail to be cached and what will effect will this have on the performance for the end user?

You should also consider how easy it will be to cite and bookmark dynamic resources. Will resources have a meaningful URL which is easy to remember? Will bookmarked URLs return the same resource at a future date?

Further Information