CRIG Teleconference 2007-03-29
From DigiRepWiki
JISC have asked CRIG to inform their forthcoming April call for proposals by identifying and elaborating around three scenarios and/or use cases [see below], ones that the CRIG feel are priority areas for repository interfaces within the broad domain of "scholarly communication". The scenarios would be those that involve joining up repositories and services, and would offer a test of whether current standards / specifications can really support the kinds of scholarly communication that we envisage becoming common.
If possible, CRIG may then suggest the kinds of interfaces that would be called on to support each scenario (both using current approaches and, perhaps, the ORE approach). However, the priority is on identifying the scenarios.
- Welcome and introductions
- Brief introduction to CRIG
- Consider the scenarios presented below (2mins each, 30min), identifying the types of repositories/services/interfaces we want to support and drawing out the most important requirements identified by each scenario (15min)
- Refine and agree the three priority scenarios/use cases, mapping these onto currently specified interfaces and onto ORE, clarifying and identifying gaps
- Define the scope of CRIG [1]
[1] The CRIG terms of reference at:
Scenarios and use cases
Also All the Scenarios and Use Cases Submitted (full list)