Data cluster meeting 10-10-2005 minutes

From DigiRepWiki

Digital Repositories data repositories cluster meeting

10th October 2005, 8.30am

Present: Neil Jacobs (Programme Manager), Traugott Koch (eBank), Sam Pepler (CLADDIER), Anne Robertson (GRADE), Les Carr (R4L), Alan Tonge (SPECTRa), John MacColl (StORe), Rachel Heery (Support Manager), Mahendra Mahey (Support Officer), Julie Allinson (Support Officer)

Each project outlined key aspects of their work and any issues:


  1. Metadata profiles for eScience data
  2. Persistent identifiers (eBank have chosen DOI)
  3. Semantic aspects (terminology, ontologies, data mining)
  4. Knowledge services, annotation, analysis
  5. Teaching and learning
  6. Liaison with UK and international projects and initiatives


  1. Persistent identifiers
  2. Maintaining links between publications and data repositories (CLADDIER are using atmospheric data)
  3. Exchanging citation information, tracking citations forward in time


  1. Identifying what geographical data is, wide remit than 'geography', e.g. mapping etc.
  2. Links between metadata standards
  3. Persistent identifiers
  4. Rights management, licences, especially with respect to derived works
  5. Content packaging (investigating MPEG 21 DIDL)
  6. Informal / peer-to-peer repositories


  1. Information management, rather than dissemination, i.e. data straight from instruments
  2. Data capture and harvesting
  3. Overlay data management tools
  4. IPR and prior assertion
  5. Data citation
  6. Publication


  1. Research data, derived data
  2. Preservation
  3. Data validation
  4. Metadata profiles for data
  5. Dspace
  6. Building on eBank


  1. Linkage between data sets and research output; have support from CURL, so there's a library connection.
  2. Multi-partner, multi-domain project, including a link with Johns Hopkins University (astronomy)
  3. User requirements and usage patterns
  4. Demonstrator
  5. Scoping generic middleware to link data and institutional publication repositories

The following themes emerged from discussion:

  1. Sustainability, business models, potential role for scientific and learned societies (especially to provide a path from demonstrator to production environment)
  2. The importance of linking data, analysis and reporting before publication
  3. Encouraging sharing by
  4. Advocacy
  5. an appropriate rights framework
  6. ensuring that sharing accrues benefits for sharers and users, for example, by enabling data to be cited like publications
  7. The policy environment, including policies of the Research Councils with respect to publications and data
  8. The standards environment, need to map between community / industry standards and JISC IE standards - don't want to implement both
  9. Metadata, persistent identifiers and data curation

Next steps:

  1. Arrange liaison with other projects as appropriate (DART, Australia)
  2. Arrange thematic workshops, working from the topics identified above.
    • Ensure workshops have clear purpose and intended outcome that has obvious benefit for participants.

--JulieAllinson 10:04, 1 November 2005 (GMT)