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Thought provoking article which discusses the role of libraries in the evolution of scholarly communication. Includes a section on repositories.
  • Stanger, Nigel and McGregor, Graham. 'Hitting the ground running: building New Zealand’s first publicly available institutional repository', The Information Science Discussion Paper Series, Number 2006/07, March 2006. ISSN 1172-6024
Abstract: A fully functional and publicly available, digital institutional repository (IR) in the space of just ten days? The technology was available, the time was right, the team was right and technical assistance from colleagues in Australia was on hand a mere cyber call away. This paper reports on how we were able to “hit the ground running” in building an open access IR in such a short space of time. What has taken our breath away is not so much the speed of the process, but the scale of responsiveness from the Internet community. Consequently, we also consider the research impact of more than 18,000 downloads from eighty countries, less than three months into the project!
Abstract: The documentation of seven academic institutional repositories (IRs) was compared and contrasted. This was followed by semi-structured interviews with six practitioners experienced in the set-up, management and maintenance of IRs, including representatives of three JISC FAIR projects. The aim was to identify the requirements of policy documentation provided by IRs. Although many issues were found to be handled differently, several common factors emerged. These included the importance of developing documentation in collaboration with academics, departments and senior management. Policies should be formulated only when the aims of the IR have been clearly defined and the documentation itself should be concise and understandable, with the rights and responsibilities of stakeholders clearly presented.
  • Das, Anup Kumar, B. K. Sen, and Chaitali Dutta. Collection Development in Digital Information Repositories in India, E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 22 February 2006.
Abstract: Institutional repositories (IRs) are a recent feature of the UK academic landscape. You may already have one at your workplace (in which case you might be better to skip to the next article); you will probably have heard the term being bandied about by your colleagues; you might even have come across one when trawling the web. But what is an IR? Should your institution have one? And if so, how would you go about creating it? These are some of the questions we hope to address in this short article.
Section 7 mentions Institutional Repositories in the context of the Report.
  • Chumbe, Santiago and MacLeod, Roddy and Barker, Phil and Moffat, Malcolm and Rist, Roger (2006) Overcoming the obstacles of harvesting and searching digital repositories from federated searching toolkits, and embedding them in VLEs. In Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, Athens, Greece.
Outlines work at the University of Buffalo to develop a local repository and asset management infrastructure to hold a variety of digital material including course content, image collections and archival holdings. Using ContentDM.
  • Klump, Jens and Bertelmann, Roland and Brase, Jan and Diepenbroek, Michael and Grobe, Hannes and Höck, Heinke and Lautenschlager, Michael and Schindler, Uwe and Sens, Irina and Wächter, Joachim. Data publication in the open access initiative. DSJ : Vol. 5 (2006) , No. 0 pp.79-83.
Abstract: The 'Berlin Declaration' was published in 2003 as a guideline to policy makers to promote the Internet as a functional instrument for a global scientific knowledge base. Because knowledge is derived from data, the principles of the 'Berlin Declaration' should apply to data as well. Today, access to scientific data is hampered by structural deficits in the publication process. Data publication needs to offer authors an incentive to publish data through long-term repositories. Data publication also requires an adequate licence model that protects the intellectual property rights of the author while allowing further use of the data by the scientific community.