The Images Application Profile
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This document describes a DC Application Profile for describing an images. The application profile is based on the IAP Model, which is in turn based on FRBR (see A Note about FRBR and Images for more detail. The model comprises 9 entities - Image, Manifestation, Copy, Agent, Object, Event, Place, Concept, Person.
Description of the Image
Definition: An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( dc:identifier ) Literal Value String ( ) Syntax Encoding Scheme URI ( dcterms:URI ) )
Definition: the type nature or genre of the content of the resource
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( dc:type ) Vocabulary Encoding Scheme URI ( image : EntityType ) Value URI ( <> ) )
Definition: A pointer to a metadata record of the image that describes the image in more detail
Comment: Use this property to provide the URI of a local record that describes the content depicted in the digital image in more detail.
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( image:isDescribedBy ) ResourceRef ( vra105 ) )
Definition: A Manifestation of the described Image
Comment: Use this property to provide the URI of a Manifestation of the Image
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( image:isManifestAs ) ResourceRef ( DCA3456 ) )
Definition: A related resource, typically an image collection, in which the described image is physically or logically included
Comment: This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model, so use a reference to point to the larger resource.
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( dc:isPartOf ) Literal Value String ( “Design Council Slide Collection” ) )
Definition: A name given to the Image
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( dc:title ) Literal Value String ( “Empire Dress” ) )
Definition: A free text account of the image and its content
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( dc:description ) Value String ( An image of the Madagascan Tree Frog taken on a field trip to Madagascar in 2005 ) )
Definition: A free text description of the image source
Comment: use this property only to describe a text based source of an image, e.g. a book, paper, magazine or journal. This field is not intended to describe analogue paintings, photographs and other three dimensional objects that makeup the content of an image. These can be described using appropriate subject fields.
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( dc:source ) Value String ( " illustration taken from William Blake's 'Songs of Innocence and Experience' " ) )
Definition: use this property to provide the academic subject area to which the Image belongs
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( dc:subject ) Vocabulary Encoding Scheme URI ( ) Literal Value String ( “Maritime technology” ) )
Definition: An Alpha numeric string identifying the funding grant under which the image was created.
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( image:grantNumber ) Literal Value String ( “AGF6785” ) )
Description of a Manifestation of the Image
Definition: An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( dc:identifier ) Literal Value String ( ) )
Definition: the type nature or genre of the content of the resource
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( dc:type ) Vocabulary Encoding Scheme URI ( image:EntityType ) Value URI ( <> ) )
Definition: a data element that designates the format name or description of the file format
Comment: values should be taken from a controlled vocabulary. It is permissible to list either proper format names or mime types
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( dc:format ) Literal Value String ( TIFF ) )
Definition: a data element that designates the size in bytes of the image file
Comment: the file size must record the number of bytes as provided by the system. Do not attempt to record the sizes in terms of KB, MB or other notation
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( mix:fileSize ) Literal Value String ( 4578656 ) )
Definition: a data element that specifies the height of the digital image, i.e. horizontal or x dimension in pixels
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( mix:imageHeight ) Literal Value String ( 1200 )
Definition: a data element that specifies the width of the digital image, i.e. vertical or y dimension in pixels
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( mix:imageWidth ) Literal Value String ( 1600 ) )
Definition: Date of creation of the resource.
Comment: ISO expressions of dates and times
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( dcterms:created) Literal Value String ( “2007-11-28” ) Syntax Encoding Scheme URI ( dcterms:W3CDTF ) )
Definition: an element that designates the color model of the image data the medium of the analogue source material scanned to create the digital still image
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( mix:colorSpace ) Literal Value String ( RGB ) )
Definition: Change history metadata serves the function of documenting processes applied to image data over the life cycle of an image. These processes consist of either editing or transforming (migrating) the file.
Comment: This is a free text field which should be used to give a brief summary of different versions of an image
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( mix:changeHistory ) Value String ( This uncompressed TIFF version was derived from the original camera RAW file, and has had no further image processing carried out on it ) )
Definition: A resource that is an exemplar of the described Manifestation of the Image
Comment: Use this property to provide the URI of a copy of a Manifestation of the Image
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( image:isAvailableAs ) Value URI () )
Description of a Copy of the Manifestation of the Image
Definition: An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( dc:identifier ) Literal Value String ( ) )
Definition: the type nature or genre of the content of the resource
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( dc:type ) Vocabulary Encoding Scheme URI ( image:EntityType ) Value URI ( <> ) )
Definition: Information about who can access the resource or an indication of its security status
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( dcterms:accessRights ) Value URI ( ) )
Definition: Information about rights held in and over the resource.
Comment: Typically, rights information includes a statement about various property rights associated with the resource, including intellectual property rights
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( dcterms:rights ) Literal Value String ( “This image is available for personal educational and research purposes only, in accordance with the terms of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act (1988)” ) )
Definition: A person or organization owning or managing rights over the resource.
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( dcterms:rightsHolder ) Literal Value String ( © University College for the Creative Arts ) )
Definition: Date (often a range) that the resource became or will become available.
Comment: ISO expressions of dates and times should be applied
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( dcterms:available ) Literal Value String ( 2007-11-27 ) Syntax Encoding Scheme URI ( dcterms:W3CDTF )
Definition: a monetary value associated with the commercial reproduction of the resource
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( image:reproductionCost ) Literal Value String ( 50.00 GBP)
Description of an Agent
Definition: the type nature or genre of the content of the resource
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( dc:type ) Vocabulary Encoding Scheme URI ( image : EntityType ) Value URI ( <> ) )
Definition: a name for the agent (organisation)
Comment: In general use faof:family_name and faof:given_name for describing persons and foaf:name for describing organisations
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( foaf : name ) Literal Value String ( “ University of York ” ) )
Family name
Definition: the family name for the agent (person)
Comment: In general use faof:family_name for describing persons and foaf:name for describing organisations
Example: Statement( Property URI ( foaf : family_name ) Literal Value String ( “Smith” ) )
Given name
Definition: the given name for the agent (person)
Comment: In general use faof:family_name and faof:given_name for describing persons and foaf:name for describing organisations
Example: Statement( Property URI ( foaf : given_name ) Literal Value String ( “John” ) )
Definition: the homepage of an organization.
Example: Statement( Property URI ( foaf:workplaceHomepage ) Value URI ( ) )
Description of an Object of the Image
Definition: The term for the object is the word, phrase, or group of characters used to name or designate the object (e.g., a building, a ship, etc.).
Comment: An object may be designated by more than one term, or by more than one form of the term.
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( frbr:object ) Literal Value string ( “ Eiffel Tower ” ) )
Description of a Place of the Image
Definition: The term for the place is the word, phrase, or group of characters used to name or designate the place (e.g., London, St. Lawrence River, etc.).
Comment: A place may be designated by more than one term, or by more than one form of the term. Recommend using a controlled vocabulary such as TGN or equivalent for this term or where possible geo-spatial co-ordinate based notation.
Example: Place described as a bounding box Statement ( Property URI ( frbr:place ) Syntax Encoding Scheme URI ( ValueString ( <gmd:EX_Extent xmlns:gmd=\”\” xmlns:gco=\\ xmlns:xsi=\”\” xsi:schemaLocation=\"\”> <gmd:geographicElement> <gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox> <gmd:westBoundLongitude> <gco:Decimal>-8.0</gco:Decimal> </gmd:westBoundLongitude> <gmd:eastBoundLongitude> <gco:Decimal>-0.5</gco:Decimal> </gmd:eastBoundLongitude> <gmd:southBoundLatitude> <gco:Decimal>54.5</gco:Decimal> </gmd:southBoundLatitude> <gmd:northBoundLatitude> <gco:Decimal>61.0</gco:Decimal> </gmd:northBoundLatitude> </gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox> </gmd:geographicElement> </gmd:EX_Extent>) )
Example: Place described using TGN Statement( Property URI ( frbr:place ) Vocabulary Encoding Scheme ( TGN ) Literal Value string ( “London” ) )
Description of a Concept of the Image
Definition: The term for the concept is the word, phrase, or group of characters used to name or designate the concept (e.g., economics, existentialism, radioactivity, etc.).
Comment: A concept may be designated by more than one term, or by more than one form of the term.
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( frbr:concept ) Literal Value string ( “existentialism” ) )
Description of an Event of the Image
Definition: The term for the event is the word, phrase, or group of characters used to name or designate the event (e.g., Battle of Hastings, Tour de France, etc.).
Comment: An event may be designated by more than one term, or by more than one form of the term.
Example: Statement ( Property URI ( frbr:event ) Value string ( “Tour de France” ) )
Description of a Person of the Image
Definition: the creator of the object depicted in the digital image (e.g. the painting, analogue photograph, diagram), or a person depicted in the image
Comment: this is the intellectual or artistic creator of an object or a person depicted in an image, as opposed to those organisations and people associated with an image in the Agent entity. ULAN is recommended as a source for renowned visual artist creators.
Example: A known Artist who created the analogue painting being described Statement ( Property URI ( image:person ) Vocabulary Encoding Scheme URI ( ULAN ) Literal Value String ( “ Matisse, Henri ” ) )
Example: A person depicted in the image Statement ( Property URI ( image:person ) Literal Value String ( “ Kennedy, John F.” ) )