In this issue
About RRT Newsletter
The purpose of this newsletter is to provide specialised information
to all those interested in Digital Repositories Research.
This special issue is packed with useful information about the various
activities the JISC Repositories Research Team have been and are involved
in the area of Digital Repositories.
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Contact RRT
Welcome to our newsletter!
- The purpose of this newsletter is to provide specialised information
to all those interested in Digital Repositories Research.
- This special issue is packed with useful information about the various
activities the JISC Repositories Research Team have been and are involved
in the area of Digital Repositories.
Who are the Repositories Research
Team and what do they do?
The Repositories Research Team is a collaboration between UKOLN and JISC
CETIS. UKOLN have worked previously on repositories in a number of contexts
including ePrints UK, the Open Archives Forum and Delos, and JISC CETIS
(the JISC Centre for Educational Technology and Interoperability Standards)
has considerable experience in supporting the development of digital repositories
for e-learning.
To contact us, you can either visit our wiki:
- DigiRep is a central tool for facilitating communication, discussion
and collaboration between the support team and projects.
- Repositories Programme project staff have been given editing rights
within DigiRep, although its contents are freely visible to anyone.
or e-mail us:
The remit for the work of the research team is quite wide and includes:
- Helping projects find and exploit synergies across the programme
and beyond
- Gathering scenarios and use cases from projects
- Liaising with other national and international repositories activities,
including liaison with the e-Framework
- Synthesising project and programme outcomes
- Engaging with interoperability standards activity and repository architectures

JISC's Repository-related
JISC Digital Repositories Programme
- The original JISC Digital Repositories Programme which started in
2005 and finishes at the end of this year 2007 is exploring how the
user interacts with the emerging network of relatively small (at this
stage) content collections.
- The programme also examines the interoperability between repository
platforms and other services as well as on consistent identification
of objects within the repositories.
Further information:
Capital programme: Repositories and Preservation strand
- The new Repositories and Preservation programme which has built on
some of the work of the Digital Repositories Programme. The programme
is a 14m investment in Higher Education repository and digital content
- It will fund initiatives to develop the Information Environment supporting
digital repositories and preservation, including cross-searching facilities
across repositories; funding for institutions to develop a critical
mass of content, preservation solutions and advice for the development
of repositories.
For more information, please visit:

You are not alone!
RRT has set up a mailing list so that you can discuss issues relating
to Digital Repositories with almost 900 members (and counting!) from all
over the world and from varied organisations.
This active mailing list has already seen some lively and thought-provoking
To join the JISC-REPOSITORIES e-mail list, please visit:

Deposit API and SWORD
- SWORD (Simple Web-service Offering Repository Deposit) will take forward
the Deposit protocol developed by a small working group lead by RRT
implementing it as a lightweight web-service in four major repository
software platforms: EPrints, DSpace, Fedora and IntraLibrary.
- Community acceptance and take-up will be sought through dissemination
- The project is led by UKOLN, University of Bath, with partners at
the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, the University of Southampt on
and Intrallect Ltd.
- The project aims to improve the efficiency and quality of repository
deposit and to diversity and expedite the options for timely population
of repositories with content whilst promoting a common deposit interface
and supporting the Information Environment principles of interoperability.
Further Information:

A Repository Ecology
The repository ecology is work which is taking place within the Repositories
Research Team to provide a clearer articulation of the way repositories
are evolving and the interactions that are taking place between them.
For more information see:
The repository ecology: an approach to understanding repository
and service interactions
5th Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
18th - 20th April 2007
Repository ecology: EThOS, the new UK e-theses service, national
and institutional repository interaction
The JISC Conference 2007, Birmingham

Dublin Core Application Profile for Scholarly
- UKOLN and the Eduserv Foundation have recently collaborated on a Dublin
Core Application Profile, funded by JISC, to describe scholarly works
(or 'eprints'). This Profile tackles quality and consistency issues
inherent in using Simple DC.
- The work, co-ordinated by UKOLN and the Eduserv Foundation, applies
FRBR as the basis of an application model for scholarly works. The Profile
also uses the DCMI Abstract Model to group descriptions of multiple
entities and their relationships.
- As part of their community engagement plan, several presentations,
special sessions have been run at the Dublin Core 2006 conference in
Manzarillo, Mexico in October 2006 and Open Scholarship 2006 in Glasgow,
with significant European interest being shown.
- Further discussions with developers, repositories and aggregator services
are taking community acceptance even further.
Further Information:

Relevant up and coming events
Digital Repositories: Dealing with the Digital Deluge
June 5 and 6 2007
Innovating e-learning online conference
11 June 2007
18-23 June 2007
Dublin Core and Metadata Applications
27-31 August 2007
ALT C Beyond Control
4 September 2007
ECDL 2007
16-21 September 2007
