eLib: The Electronic Libraries Programme 1995-2001

About this Web Site
This Web site provided the central platform for the
JISC-funded eLib programme. A background to the eLib programme
is given below.
Following the successful completion of the programme, this Web site was frozen
- no significant content was added and only minor updates were made.
eLib news and updates
- 18 October 2001
Stephen Pinfield has contributed a review paper to Ariadne issue 29:
Managing electronic library services:
current issues in UK higher education institutions. The issue also contains an
article by John Kirriemuir on: Establishing a
Digital Library Centre He outlines some of the issues that need to be considered
when establishing a digital library centre in a UK higher education institution.
- 02 August 2001
Summative Evaluation of Phase 3 of the eLib
Initiative: an
Overview document, and the
Final Report. Available in PDF format.
The evaluation was carried out by ESYS limited, a consultancy
company with experience of undertaking and evaluating technology
applications programmes in a number of fields, particularly space
and defence. This evaluation therefore takes an independent view
of the programme from outside the HE library sector.' (mounted 02
August 2001).
- 07 March 2001
Stephen Pinfield has contributed a review paper to the eLib
Programme pages:
Lessons from Phase 3 of the Electronic Libraries Programme.
The paper is available in 3 formats.
- 04 Feb 2001
A retrospective overview of the eLib Programme -
eLib', (Chris Rusbridge) is available in issue 26 of Ariadne.
The issue also features several articles on
Hybrid Library
projects, and a review of the Hybrid Libraries day in the
British Library in November 2000. The
column looks at eLib project sites, and there is also a CLUMP review.
The Digital Preservation
2000 Conference in York is featured in a report by Michael Day.
- 06 July 2000
Details of the Electronic Libraries Programme Collection
Level Description Concertation Day, held on 7th March 2000,
ULCC. Available in HTML and PDF format.
. [mounted 06 June 2000].
- 01 June 2000
Summative Evaluation of Phases 1 and 2 of the eLib Initiative: an
Overview document, and the
Final Report. Available in PDF format.
'The report examines the operation and management of the
Programme, achievements in the Programme areas, overall impacts
and value and finally makes recommendations for future activities
based on the lessons learned. A summary document which
cross-references the main report is also available. The
evaluation was carried out by ESYS limited, a consultancy company
with experience of undertaking and evaluating technology
applications programmes in a number of fields, particularly space
and defence. This evaluation therefore takes an independent view
of the programme from outside the HE library sector.' [mounted 01 June 2000].
- 05 April 2000
The Digital Culture: Maximising the Nation's Investment. A synthesis of
JISC/NPO studies on the preservation of digital materials. Available in PDF format.
[mounted 05 April 2000].
- 03 April 2000
A number of CLUMPS-related articles appear in
issue 23 of Ariadne.
Matthew Dovey,
technical consultant to the Music Libraries Online project, provides a theoretical
overview of union catalogue construction. The issue also features an illustrated
At The Event Ariadne report
on the first of the two CLUMPS conferences this spring.
Plus Peter Stubley
of the RIDING project supplies the text of his closing remarks at the same event
(Goldsmiths College, 3rd March). A number of other eLib related reports appear in the same issue.
- 25 January 2000
Two important new CLUMPS articles By Dennis Nicholson and
Peter Stubley
have been published in Ariadne issue 22.
The issue also features a report by Alistair Dunning
on the launch in London of the RDN. There are several other JISC/eLib related articles
and reports in the same issue.
- 25 January 2000
A report (plus powerpoint presentations, including one by Chris Rusbridge) from
the JISC Town Meeting held in London on 16th December 1999 is available at:
The meeting was organised to further discuss approaches to the
National Electronic Resource.
Plus an outline
of Tom Franklin's presentation from the meeting (on the
JCIEL Circular 7/99 -
Managed Learning Environments).
- 06 January 2000
Library Resource Sharing and Discovery: Catalogues for the 21st Century:
details now available of a one day workshop (in two locations) on the 3rd of March 2000 (London)
and the 11th April 2000 (Glasgow) presented by the eLib CLUMP projects and
co-ordinated by UKOLN.
- 04 January 2000
UKOLN/mda Terminology Workshop The Stakis Hotel, Bath 11-12 January 2000
- Nov 15 1999
Digital Archaeology: Rescuing Neglected and Damaged Data Resources, by Seamus Ross
and Ann Gow. The Executive Summary is available:
[PDF format]
and the Full Study:
[PDF format].
- Nov 8 1999
Economic Models for the Digital Library (Leah Halliday and Charles Oppenheim) is
now available in both PDF and RTF formats.
At: http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/services/elib/papers/supporting/
- Oct 11 1999
The Synthesis of eLib
Annual Reports for 1998 and the Synthesis of eLib Annual
Reports for 1997, are now available in PDF format.
- Oct 7 1999
Models Workshop 9: MIA for Hybrid
Information Environments, supported by the eLib Programme
Office and held at Scarman House Traning and Conference Centre,
University of Warwick, Wednesday 13th - Thursday 14th October
1999. Models Workshop 10 is on the subject of Rights
- Sept 7 1999
The MIDRIB project
Final Report is now mounted on the eLib site.
- Sept 2 1999
Two Tavistock Institute annual reports made available: the
Synthesis of eLib
Annual Reports for 1998 and the Synthesis of eLib Annual
Reports for 1997.
- July 26 1999
A presentation given by the UK IMS centre at the eLib organised
IMS concertation day, held at the Policy Studies Institute in
London on the 4th of May, is available as a Microsoft Powerpoint file and also in
HTML format.
- July 9 1999
Ariadne Issue 20
(22nd June 1999) features a number of eLib
related articles and reports (CLUMPS, EEVL, SOSIG, biz/ed,
etc), including one by John Kirriemuir (OMNI column) on the
provision of Internet access within the UK National Health
Service, which has been reviewed in the British
Medical Journal by Douglas Carnall. Responses
to the review are also available.
- July 9 1999
New Guidelines for
eLib Project Reports have been mounted.
- May 4 1999
The text of Jim Michalko's
keynote address has been added to the
"Information Ecologies" Report.
- April 12 1999
A Report on the eLib
"Information Ecologies" conference in York containing most of
the presentations in Powerpoint format.
- March 23 1999
An Ariadne "At the Event" report on the eLib "Information
Ecologies" conference in York can be found in Ariadne
- February 5 1999
Library Resource Sharing and Discovery: Catalogues for the Future. A
one-day workshop
presented by the eLib Clump Projects on the 22nd March 1999, at: The British Library, St. Pancras, London.
The conference is being organised by the Electronic Libraries Programme
and co-ordinated by UKOLN.
- January 21 1999
Joint Information Systems Committee & Publishers Association
Licence' Between UK Universities and Publishers. This is the
final version of the 'Model License', together with guidelines
for fairdealing.
- January 21 1999
Publication of information about the metadata now
associated with the eLib pages.
As of December 1998 all eLib Web Pages contain embedded Dublin
Core metadata, stored in a ROADS database and dynamically
converted to an XML representation of RDF (Resource Description
Framework) as the pages are requested. Since the metadata is
embedded in the eLib web pages it can be seem by viewing the HTML
source for a page. The metadata is in XML/RDF format for machine
readability. A human viewable rendering of the metadata on each
page is available by clicking on the "DC Metadata" link in the page footer.
- November 24 1998
An electronic version of the
JISC/TLTP Copyright Guidelines, available in PDF format.
- November 13 1998
An electronic version of the eLib Supporting study "An
Investigation into the Digital Preservation needs of Universities
and Research Funders" by Denise Lievesley and Simon Jones of
the Data Archive at the University of Essex, is now available.
- November 4 1998
An electronic version of the eLib Supporting study "
Comparative Evaluation of the Subject Based Gateways Approach to
Providing Access to Network Resources" by David Haynes, David
Streatfield, Noeleen Cookman and Helen Wood.
- November 2 1998
The HyLiFe project is coordinating a conference in London on
15-16 December 1998, entitled Integrate, Co-operate,
Innovate, which will explore the implications and impacts of
eLib Hybrid Library and Clumps developments.
- October 30 1998
An article on
Realizing the Hybrid Library by Stephen Pinfield, Jonathan
Eaton, Catherine Edwards, Rosemary Russell, Astrid Wissenburg and
Peter Wynne appeared in the October issue of D-lib magazine.
- October 23 1998
A new release of the eLib
Standards Guidelines, replacing those originally released on
26 February 1996.
- September 7 1988
General information and a booking form now available for the eLib
conference Information
Ecologies: the impact of new information 'species', to be
held in York, 2 - 4 December 1998.
- August 18 1998
Chris Rusbridge has written an overview of the history and
direction of the UK eLib Programme for the July/August issue
D-lib magazine,
Towards the Hybrid Library.
- July 2 1998
Supporting Studies for the eLib
programme are now available in Word and HTML formats. These cover
a number of areas explored by the programme, and paper editions
are now available from LITC
(Library Information Technology Centre), South Bank University,
Introduction to eLib:
the Electronic Libraries Programme
In 1993, an investigation into how to deal with the pressures on library resources,
caused by the rapid expansion of student numbers and the world-wide explosion in
academic knowledge and information, was undertaken by the Joint Funding Council's
Libraries Review Group, chaired by Sir Brian Follett. This investigation resulted
in the Follett Report. One of the key conclusions of this report was:
"The exploitation of IT is essential to
create the effective library service of the future".
As a consequence, the Higher Education Funding Bodies in the UK invited proposals
for projects which would "transform the use and storage of knowledge in higher
education institutions". 15 million pounds was initially allocated to the
"Electronic Libraries Programme", managed by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)
on behalf of the funding bodies. A series of waves of funding, proposals and projects
has resulted in the eLib (capital L is correct) programme consisting of around 60 projects.
Many of the projects are involved in, or tackle, overlapping or complementary themes;
several of the projects and programme areas are also working closely with other
digital/electronic library initiatives, some of these having a more international focus.
The first wave of projects began work in the spring of 1995.
Project durations differ, so as some projects end, others either
begin in further eLib waves, or continue through continuation
funding or sponsorship. The programme is not overtly a research
programme; its main remit is to provide a body of tangible,
electronic resources and services for UK Higher Education, and to
affect a cultural shift towards the acceptance and use of said
resources and services in place of more traditional information
storage and access methods.
...was funded by...
An archive of the Interoperability Focus Web site is available on the Internet Archive
On 5 June 2013 this Web site had been crawled 346 times going back to 21 July 1997.
The most recent archive was taken on
12 March 2013.
Note that this Web site is also available on the UK Web archive.