Netskills: Network Skills for the UK Higher Education Community
Project descriptionas of May 12th 1997 IntroductionNetskills helps the UK higher education community develop the network skills to make effective use of the Internet for teaching, research and administration. Using the Internet effectively is becoming more and more important as, increasingly, networked information occupies a central position in the information resources used by staff and students in the higher education community. This is especially true as the number of quality networked information services, such as subject gateways, data-sets and electronic journals, grow. JISC initiatives, such as the Electronic Libraries Programme (eLib), of which Netskills is a part, are contributing to this growth in quality services.What does Netskills do?Based at Newcastle University, Netskills is promoting a culture shift towards more effective, widespread use of JANET, the Internet and networked information services by users of information and those supporting them within UK higher education. Netskills does this through a programme of direct face-to-face training, and by developing networked training materials, tutorials and an information gateway on network training. Netskills directly trained some 5,000 people in the first 18 months of its existence.What does Netskills provide?Netskills provides a comprehensive programme of network skills training and awareness workshops throughout the UK and in the purpose-built training suite at Newcastle University. The workshops range from subject-based introductory courses through to workshops on World Wide Web (WWW) authoring. Details of all Netskills workshops and events are available from the Netskills home page (see below).Netskills network training materials are freely available for those in the UK higher education community who have a network training role. The materials can either be used directly or adapted for a whole range of requirements from staff training through to undergraduate teaching. Additionally, Netskills has piloted a licensing scheme enabling communities outside HE to benefit from Netskills' experience in designing, producing and using quality training materials. The Netskills training materials and training resources are all available on the Internet from the Netskills home page (see below). These include:
Netskills wants to hear from you!Netskills actively encourages feedback from workshop participants and from users of Netskills materials. As a result of feedback, the WWW Introductory and Searching materials have been tailored for several HE subject and service areas, including:
The Electronic Libraries Programme (eLib) was funded
by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)
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