Members of the Programme Committee are responsible for the content of the workshop. The committee members represent a cross-section of the Web management community. Contact details for the committee members are given below:
Clare Rogers, JISC ASSIST, was also initially a member of the programme Committee, but resigned as she left JISC for a new post.
Feel free to contact any member of the Programme Committee if you wish to submit a proposal for the workshop.
Members of the Organising Committee are responsible for the organisational and financial aspects of the workshop. Contact details for the committee members are given below:
Brian Kelly is
UK Web Focus - a JISC-funded post which provides advice and support to the
UK Higher and Further Education communities on Web issues. Brian is based at
Brian has been chair of the organising committees for the Institutional Web Management Workshop series since he established the event in 1997.
Brian's interests include Web standards, technical architectures for Web services and innovative Web developments.
Brian is chair of the Programme Committee and a member of the Organising Committee.
Brian can be contacted at <B.Kelly AT>* or by phone on 01225 383943.
Miles Banbery is the Web Editor at the University of Kent.
Miles manages the University Web Team, a small group of people within Communications & Development at the University of Kent. Communications & Development's remit covers internal communications, corporate publications (largely student recruitment support), congregations (graduation ceremonies) and events, alumni relations, press and media relations and development and fund raising.
Within that, the Web Team looks after the corporate levels of the University Web Site and also has a training and support role with departmental Web authors. We are Dreamweaver, PHP and MySQL users and have developed several on-line applications (management of all Clearing applications, University Directory, Alumni class notes etc). In the next year are three major projects are an investigation into CMS for recruitment and programme/module information, an on-line calendar of University events and a virtual tour of our campuses.
Miles represents the host organisation at IWMW 2003, but also would like to represent Web Managers across HE with small teams and high expectations! Miles's particular interests are in the areas of one-stop-shop delivery of student and staff information (portals etc), strategic and policy issues in institutional Web management, career development and training for Web managers/authors and in Web standards (W3C recommendations and browser compatibility, etc). Miles is also interested in the impact of the placement of Web teams within the structure of organisations.
Miles is a member of the Programme and Organising Committees.
Miles can be contacted at <M.E.C.Banbery AT>* or by phone on 01227 827767.
Diane McDonald is a senior member of the Information Resources Directorate of the University of Strathclyde. Her current major interest is in the use of technology to enhance the effectiveness of the University, and organisations or communities in general.
As part of this Diane is responsible for a number of projects ranging from Knowledge Management to the design and develop an intelligence-enabled infrastructure of networked services for supporting the citizen of the future.
Diane can be contacted at <D.McDonald AT>*.
Kriss Fearon has been Web Coordinator at the University of York for 7 years. She has a publishing background and an MPhil in Publishing Studies from the University of Stirling.
She is responsible for advice and support to Web authors, and implementation of non-technical Web issues mainly based around project work such as advertising, legal liability, design revisions, and other issues common to many HE institutions. Her particular interests are in effective departmental outreach in decentralised institutions, supporting Web authors, accessibility and professionalisation of Web staff.
Kriss can be contacted at <kf7 AT>*.
Tracey Stanley is the Head of E-Strategy and Development at
the Library,
University of Leeds.
She is responsible for the development of Library strategy for electronic
services and electronic resources. She currently chairs the Steering Group for
the Library's Hybrid Library Project. She has also spearheaded a number of
Library initiatives in using virtual learning environments for the delivery of
e-learning support activities. Tracey is Project Director for the PORTOLE
project (funded under the JISC DiVLE programme) which is looking at the
integration of resource discovery tools into a Virtual Learning Environment.
Tracey has produced a series of articles for the
Ariadne electronic journal,
and has undertaken consultancy work for Netskills and for other UK universities.
Previous posts held by Tracey include Faculty Team Leader, Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences Team (December 1998 - December 2001) and Networked Information Officer (March 1995 - December 1998), both at Leeds University Library.
Tracey can be contacted at <T.S.Stanley AT>*.
David Supple
is manager of the Corporate Web team at the
University of Birmingham and manager of the
University's Institutional Portal Project. His teams remit is the development of
the site to facilitate the e-business and e-learning aims of the institution,
and the delivery of a Web-enabled organisational vision. In real terms this
means the re-corporatization of the University web site, through a focussed
Web strategy, common infrastructures and templates, centralised hardware, adequate
support and a customer focussed internal sales process to help convince users
to migrate back to the centre.
The Web Team uses mostly Microsoft products (a challenge in itself), with
occasional forays into MySQL and Unix just to keep us sane.
Over the coming year, David's focus will be on developing a major portal
environment for the University, something that has been in planning for almost
2 years now, and he is keen to engage with the HE community on this new type
of development to help maximise the potential of this technology.
David is also interested in web strategy in general and the development of
organisational structures and processes as they respond to a more electronic
view of the world.
David can be contacted at
<d.r.supple AT>*.
Catherine Ewart
is currently on six-month secondment to the Natural Environment Research Council
to manage the implementation of a Joint Administration Strategy for all seven
research councils and the Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB). As a member
of the strategy implementation team she is working to identify and deliver
opportunities for joint working where this will achieve benefits for research
council stakeholders or for internal efficiency.
She is also responsible for co-ordinating the work of the research councils and
AHRB web teams. In this capacity, she chairs the Joint Council Web Group and has
been asked to define the requirements for a research councils' Web portal, in
part driven by the Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) project, an initiative
to implement electronic grant submission across the research councils.
She is also on the Project Board of a joint project to implement an electronic
records management system for the research councils.
Prior to her current role, Catherine was Web Manager and before that Corporate
Communications Manager at the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.
She has a PhD in Plant Sciences.
Catherine can be contacted at <catherine.ewart AT>*.
Sara Hassen
has been the Events and Marketing Manager at UKOLN since November 2001. She has
organised a number of events during her time at UKOLN including the 2002 JISC/CNI
conference. Sara is the Chair of the organising committee for the
Institutional Web Management Workshop 2003and will be dealing with the logistics
and management of the event. Sara has worked within the Event Management field
for over 5 years, she has organised and been involved with a number of significant
conferences both in Bath and Bristol, these include ALT-C 99 and the ACM
Multimedia conference 1998.
Sara can be contacted at
<s.hassen AT>*.
Clare Rogers, who works for JISC ASSIST, was a member of the Programme Committee, but resigned as she is taking up a new position.
Clare can be contacted at <Clare.Rogers AT>*.
Last modified: 9th June 2003