Raising Awareness

"A centre of excellence in digital information management, providing advice and services to the library, information and cultural heritage communities."

UKOLN is based at the University of Bath.

Liz Lyon - Publications


Liz Lyon
The Informatics Transform: Re-Engineering Libraries for the Data Decade - article in Vol 7, No 1 (2012) of the International Journal of Digital Curation
[URL] (Permalink)


Liz Lyon
Open science in the data decade - article in Issue 20 of the Central Government edition of Public Service Review
[URL] (Permalink)


Liz Lyon
Open Science at Web-Scale: Optimising Participation and Predictive Potential - Consultative Report
[URL] (Permalink)


Liz Lyon, Simon Coles, Monica Duke, Traugott Koch
Scaling Up: Towards a Federation of Crystallography Data Repositories
[PDF] (Permalink)


Liz Lyon
Dealing with Data: Roles, Rights, Responsibilities and Relationships - Consultancy Report
[Word] [PDF] (Permalink)


Simon J. Coles, Jeremy G. Frey, Michel B. Hursthouse, Mark E. Light, Andrew J. Milsted, Leslie A. Carr, David DeRoure, Christopher J. Gutteridge, Hugo R. Mills, Ken E. Meacham, Michael Surridge, Elizabeth Lyon, Rachel Heery, Monica Duke, Michael Day
An e-Science environment for service crystallography - from submission to dissemination.
In: Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, Special Issue on eScience, Forthcoming 2006.(Permalink)

S. Coles, J. Frey, M. Hursthouse, A. Milsted, L. Carr, C. Gutteridge, L.Lyon, R. Heery, M. Duke, T. Koch and M. Day
Enabling the reusability of scientific data: Experiences with designing an open access infrastructure for sharing datasets
< c> [Word].
<> Designing for Usability in e-Science. International Workshop, Edinburgh, Scotland, 26-27 January, 2006 Paper: (Permalink)


Simon Coles, Jeremy Frey, Michael Hursthouse, Mark Light, Leslie Carr, David DeRoure, Christopher Gutteridge, Hugo Mills, Ken Meacham, Mike Surridge, Liz Lyon, Rachel Heery, Monica Duke, and Michael Day.
The 'end to end' crystallographic experiment in an e-Science environment: From conception to publication.
In: <> UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2005, Nottingham, UK, 19-23 Sep 2005. Southampton, UK.
Paper and Powerpoint presentation available from the University of Southampton e-Prints Service: [<> entry in repository ] (Permalink)

M. B. Hursthouse, S. J. Coles, J. G. Frey, L. Carr, C. Gutteridge, L. Lyon, R. Heery, M. Duke, M. Day
ECRYSTALS(.CHEM.SOTON.AC.UK): Open Archive Publication of Crystal Structure Data [poster]
<> XX Congress of the International Union of Crystallography, Florence, Italy, 23-31 August 2005
Software demo: Grid Computing and Crystallography Poster presentation: <> [Abstract] (Permalink)

Chris Rusbridge, Peter Burnhill, Seamus Ross, Peter Buneman, David Giaretta, Liz Lyon, Malcolm Atkinson,
The Digital Curation Centre: A Vision for Digital Curation.
Paper for Conference: From Local to Global: Data Interoperability Challenges and Technologies,
Mass Storage and Systems Technology Committee of the IEEE Computer Society
June 20-24, 2005, Sardinia, Italy.
URL:<> (Permalink)


Rachel Heery and Liz Lyon (Eds.)
Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL), Bath, UK, September 12-17, 2004.
Publ. Springer: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3232.
URL:<> (Permalink)

R Heery, M Duke, M Day, L Lyon, S Coles, J Frey, M Hursthouse, L Carr, C Gutteridge,
"Integrating research data into the publication workflow: the eBank experience."
In: Proceedings PV-2004: Ensuring the Long-Term Preservation and Adding Value to the Scientific and Technical Data, 5-7 October 2004, ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, (ESA WPP 232), Noordwijk: European Space Agency, 2004, 135-142. (Permalink)

Philip Lord, Alison Mcdonald, Liz Lyon, David Giaretta
From Data Deluge to Data Curation
e-Science All Hands Meeting 2004, Nottingham, September 2004 (Permalink)

Liz Lyon, Rachel Heery, Monica Duke, Simon Coles, Jeremey Frey, Michael Hursthouse, Leslie Carr and Christopher Gutteridge
eBank UK: linking research data, scholarly communication and learning
<> AHM 2004, eScience All Hands Meeting,
Nottingham UK, 31 August-3 September 2004.
Paper and powerpoint presentation available from the University of Southampton e-Prints Service: [
<> entry in repository] (Permalink)

Liz Lyon, Simon Coles, Les Carr, Rachel Heery, Mike Hursthouse, Christopher
Gutteridge, Monica Duke, Jeremy Frey and David De Roure
eBank UK Linking Research Data, Scholarly Communication and Learning.[ PDF ]
Semantic Grid Workshop, Global Grid Forum 11, Hawaii, USA, 4-7 July 2004. (Permalink)


Lyon, Liz
eBank UK: Building the links between research data, scholarly communication and learning. Ariadne Issue 36 (2003)
URL: <> (Permalink)


Lyon, Liz.
Emerging Information Architectures for Distributed Digital Libraries (2002)
In: Proceedings China Digital Library Conference 2002, Beijing, China. (Permalink)

Powell, Andy and Lyon, Liz
The JISC Information Environment and Web Services. Ariadne Issue 31 (2002)
URL: <> (Permalink)


Lyon, Liz and Miller, Paul
The people's heritage: democratising our memory institutions. The New Review of Information Networking, 7, 185 - 200 (2001) (Permalink)

Powell Andy and Lyon, Liz
DNER Technical Architecture: scoping the information environment. Report for JISC (2001)
URL: <> (Permalink)


Lyon, Liz
PATRON: Using a Multimedia Digital Library for Learning and Teaching in the Performing Arts (2000)
EDUCAUSE 2000, October 2000, Nashville, Tennessee, US.
URL: <> (Permalink)


Maslin, J. and Lyon, Liz
Project Patron: a digital library for the Performing Arts (1999)
Digital Resources in the Humanities Conference, September 1999 London.
URL: <> (Permalink)

Maslin J. and Lyon, Liz
Project Patron: exploiting a digital library for the performing arts (1999)
IEEE Euromicro 99 Proceedings, pp35-41. Milan, Italy, September, 8th-10th, 1999 (Permalink)

Lyon, Liz
Proc. International Dance and Technology Conference, February 1999, Arizona State University, USA. (1999) (Permalink)


Lyon, Liz, Streatfield, D., Haynes D., Joyce Nicola.
Impact of Devolved Budgeting on Library and Information Services in Universities in the UK (1998)
British Library Research and Innovation Report 138, British Library (Permalink)

Lyon, Liz
Why give it away? (1998)
Ariadne Issue 17,1.
URL: <> (Permalink)

Maslin, J and Lyon, Liz
Project Patron - Audio and video on demand at the University of Surrey (1998)
Journal of Academic Librarianship, 24, 464-8. (Permalink)

Lyon, Liz
Face the Music and Dance.(1998)
Ariadne Issue 15, 1. (Also included in the Ariadne Reader published in 1999)
URL: <> (Permalink)

Maslin, J and Lyon, Liz
Project PATRON - audio and video on demand at the University of Surrey (1998)
Information Services and Use, 18, 45-51. (Permalink)

Lyon, Liz and Maslin, J
Viewfinder Newsletter, No. 32, February, 12-13. (Permalink)


Lyon, Liz and Maslin, J
Audio and video on-demand for the performing arts: Project PATRON (1997)
International Journal of Electronic Library Research, Vol 1 (2), 119-131. (Permalink)

Lyon, Liz, Maslin, J. and Baker, B
Audio and video on-demand for the Performing Arts: Project PATRON (1997)
In: Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Electronic Library and Visual Information Research, pp177-185. (Permalink)

Earlier publications available on request.

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