June 1997 - Coventry, UK

Registration and Fee

Enrolment will be limited to 40. Registration will be accepted only from senior administrative levels of either the library, information service or computing units on a campus. The fee is £140 per individual; a discount of £20 per person will be offered for each participant attending the main JISC/CNI/BKLRIC/CAUSE/CAUL international conference "Beyond the Beginning: The Global Digital Library" on 16 and17 June at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London.

Location and Times

The workshop will commence at 14.00 on Saturday 14 June and will adjourn with lunch on Sunday 15 June. The location for the workshop is Scarman House, University of Warwick, Coventry. Workshop materials, accommodation, an evening meal on Saturday and lunch on Sunday are included in the price. You will automatically be booked into accommodation at Scarman House upon registering for the workshop.

Online registration is available.

Content by Hazel Gott of UKOLN
Web page by Isobel Stark of UKOLN

Page last revised on 09-Apr-1997