The workshop is being held on the two days immediately prior to the main JISC/CNI/BLRIC/CAUSE/ CAUL international conference Beyond the Beginning: The Global Digital Library on 16 and 17 June at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London. This international conference, which carries the overall theme of Realising the Digital Library, will include speakers from the United States and the United Kingdom, Japan, Australia and Europe. Please note that the conference language will be English.
Details, including online registration, about Beyond
the Beginning: The Global Digital Library are available at:
A JISC/CNI/BLRIC/CAUSE/CAUL Conference to be held on Wednesday 18 June 1997 at Church House Conference Centre,Westminster, London. This Post-conference Seminar will be organised by UKOLN on behalf of the JISC's Committee on Electronic Information.
This seminar aims to promote awareness of existing metadata activity and to explore fruitful avenues for development and implementation.
The seminar fee is £60 per delegate, or £50 if attending the main JISC/CNI/BLRIC/CAUSE/CAUL international conference Beyond The Beginning: The Global Digital Library
Further details are available at:
Content by Hazel Gott of
Web page by Isobel Stark
Page last revised on 23-Apr-1997