A report about the workshop is available.
As one of the outcomes of this workshop a discussion list (lis-pub-web) has been set up and funded by UKOLN to allow public library website managers to share experiences and advice about developing websites for public library authorities.
The People's Network: the Final
Frontier? Chris Batt, Chief Network Adviser (LIC)
What should be included on the public library website? What could the public
library site be used for is there more to it than opening hours and catalogues?
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: style and design in
website creation Chris Webster,
Information Officer (EARL)
What is good web design? What are the key design rules which should never be broken? How
can you make sure that your site is accessible to all users?
Successful Library Website Case Studies
Speakers from three Local Authorities will share tips, hints and learning
experiences about how they put together their websites and the issues and problems that
they had to overcome. A chance to learn from other peoples experiences.
A Quick Intro to Metadata
Michael Day, Research Office (UKOLN)
What is metadata and why you should have it on your website.
Trials and
Tribulations of a Web Manager - breakout groups
An opportunity to share experiences, identify common issues and problems and work out
collectively how to overcome them.
From Homepage to FrontPage
Patris van Boxel, Trainer (Netskills)
A discussion of the progression from producing simple web pages using text
editors to using site management tools to create and maintain large multi-author web sites
A Toolbox for website
maintenance Manjula Patel, Technical Development Research Officer (UKOLN)
What tools are available for you to use in keeping your website up to date and manageable
how can things like stylesheets help.
If I Could Start
All Over Again: Lessons To be Learnt From The HE Community - Brian Kelly, UK Web
Focus (UKOLN)
Whats going to happen to the web next and how easily can you integrate these new
developments into your website and how to learn from the mistakes of the Higher Education