Since the TEI header is still a relatively recent development, there has been a lack of clear guidelines as to its implementation; with the result that metadata has tended to be poor and sometimes erroneous. The implementation of a standard approach to metadata will improve the quality of data and increase the likelihood of locating relevant information.
The TEI header has a well-defined structure that may provide information analogous to that of a title page for printed text. The <teiHeader> element contains four major components:
A corpus or collection of texts, which share many characteristics, may have one header for the corpus and individual headers for each component of the corpus. In this case the type attribute indicates the type of header. For example, <teiHeader type-"corpus"> indicates the header for corpus-level information.
Some of the header elements contain running prose that consists of one or more <p>s. Others are grouped:
The cataloguer should observe the Anglo-american cataloguing rules 2nd ed. (rev), AACR2, and the international standard bibliographic for electronic resources, ISBD (ER) when creating new headers. AACR2 is used in the Source Description of the header, which is primarily concerned with printed material, whereas ISBD (ER) is used more heavily in the rest of the File Description in which the electronic file is being described.