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What evidence can I draw from in order to justify any agenda for change?
Working in an academic environment I am surrounded by evidence of investigations, some of which is for research purposes, some is for evaluation of investment . Our Learning Centre was in part due to the findings of a previous report, the Follett Committee report of 1994, and the recognition that if the University was to attempt to gain efficiency at a time of expansion, that the learning experience would need to expand into areas of student directed learning. What we offer is an interpretation or translation of that need into buildings where integrated IT and information provision is supported by Information Advisors with technical back-up.
The most recent investigation into Higher Education ‘Higher Education in the Learning society’ commonly known as the Dearing Report, investigated over a period of nearly two years, the current stare of a wide range of issues critical to the maintenance of standards in university education, and the necessary progress which needs to be made to capitalise on developments. Many of the recommendations are complemented by evidence gathered in previous reports, for example by The Anderson committee, who investigated research provision and the Fender report on personnel issues in universities. This week the emphasis has focused on public libraries and we have seen an Audit Committee report emphasising the need for a more imaginative use of technology in our public library system and the need for more co-operation with Universities and other agencies in forging a more focused response to initiatives such as the University for Industry.