SWMLAC Workshop - 24 October 2005 - Making Effective Use Of Benchmarking Tools

About The Presentation

Brian Kelly gave a brief recorded presentation on "Making Effective Use Of Benchmarking Tools" at a workshop organised by UKOLN on Benchmarking Web Sites on Monday 24th October 2005 for SWMLAC (South West Museums, Libraries and Archives Council).

The workshop was facilitated by Marieke Guy. The local contact is Virginia Havergal, SWMLAC.

The workshop was held at the Truro College.


[MS PowerPoint format] - [HTML format]
SMIL Presentation
[SMIL format] (Note SMIL player required)
Microsoft Producer Presentation (10 mins 39 seconds)
[MS Producer format] (Note IE browser required)

Technical Notes

The sound files were recorded using a Plantronics headset and microphone. The sound for each slide was recorded as a separate file using the Audacity open source software. Audacity was then used to remove background noise and to amplify the sound. This process caused some degradation of the sound quality.

The Microsoft Producer software was used to create the MS Producer files. The SMIL presentation was created using a text editor.