UKOLN "Institutional Web Management Workshop 2002: The Pervasive Web"

Accessibility Of The Web Site

This page provides information on the accessibility of the workshop Web site. The workshop Web site will be used as a test bed to investigate accesibility issues, particularly the effectiveness of automated chaking tools.

A report was created using the downloadable version of the Bobby accessibility checker, which can be used to check multiple files. Note that this software is no longer available for free - it is now licensed software.

In addition to the Bobby report several of the pages on the Web site have been checked by the Web-based version of Bobby. Once any accessibility problems have been fixed the Boby icon is included on the page which acts as a live link to the Bobby service to enable the compliance of the page with accessibility guidelines to be established (e.g. see the icon at the bottom of this page).


Bobby Report
The Bobby report is no longer available (12 Aug 2004)


The following comments are made.

HTML attributes
In order to establish strict compliance with WAI and XHTML standards it was necessary for the <html> element to be of the form:
<html xmlns="" lang="en">
Link Phrases
In order to establish strict compliance with WAI AAA guidelines it was necessary for link phrases to be different when linking to different pages. This meant, for example, that links such as those to the speaker details:
The speaker is Brian Kelly - see his biographical details
The speaker is Derek Law - see his biographical details

In these examples, the repeated link phrase "biographical details" caused the page to fail the compliance test. It was necessary to change the pages concerned to the form:
The speaker is Brian Kelly - see Brian Kelly's biographical details
The speaker is Derek Law - see Derek Law's biographical details
in order to ensure that each link phrase was unique.
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