7 July 2002Item: NetPhysic Circuit Software
Netphysic, one of the workshop commercial sponsors, are providing a
free CD which can be accessed
from their Web site which provides trial access to the NetPhysic Circuit software,
which uses a number of tools to diagnose and improve the usability of Web sites.
14 June 2002Item: Events Open To Local Staff
We are pleased to announce that a number of sessions
will be open to local staff. These include vendor presentations and workshop sessions
on Computer Scientists - A Help Or A Hindrance ;-)! and
Exploiting Locally-Created E-resources: OAI and Eprints.
16 May 2002
In order to investigate the frequency by which Google indexes this Web site this page
contains the term evertonchampions. On 16 May 2002 this term was not found in
Google or AltaVista. Please try
Google search for evertonchampions
and AltaVistasearch for evertonchampions
now to see if the page has been indexed.
Note that this page has not been submitted to Google or AltaVista, but the page has previously
been indexed by Google. As an additional experiment a page containing the phrase
e v e r t o n c h a m p i o n s a g a i n (one word with no spaces) has been created
which is not linked. This page has been submitted to Google and AltaVista.
Please try
Google search for evertonchampionsagain
and AltaVista search for evertonchampionsagain
now to see if the page has been indexed.
Note that a price of 1 pint will be awarded to the person reporting first sighting
of these resources in Google and AltaVista!
See the web-support
JISCmail list for details. NOTE The initial string was found on Monday 20 May, but the
page containing the second string has not yet been indexed.