Institutional Web Management Workshop 2002:
The Pervasive Web

Parallel Sessions Booking Form

Please note the workshop is now over. This booking form is no longer operational.

This is the booking form for parallel sessions at the Institutional Web Management: The Pervasive Web workshop which will be held at the University of Strathclyde on 18-20th June 2002.

Information on parallel sessions at the Institutional Web Management: The Pervasive Web workshop is given below.

The parallel sessions will be held on Tuesday 18th June from 16:00-17:30, Wednesday 19th June from 16:00-17:30 and Thursday 20th June from 09:15-10:30.

A number of the sessions relate to a particular theme:

Web Strategies:
A1: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The E-Strategy
B1: Information Strategies - An Essential Navigational Tool?
Usability and Accessibility:
A3: Testing Web Site Accessibility
B2: The Perfect Portal ... is a Popular Portal
B3: Usable Design and Accessible Web Sites
Legal Issues:
A7: Is Your Institution's Web Site Legal?
C4: Advertising On Web Sites
B6: Will The Real Mr Homepage Please Stand Up?
Technical Issues:
A4 <XML Everywhere />
B4: Delivering XML in an Apache Environment
A2: Right People, Right Stuff, Right Pain?
Metadata Issues:
A5: The Value of Metadata and How to Realise It
B8: Exploiting Locally-Created E-resources: OAI and E-prints

Participants may choose to attend sessions on a particular theme, or mix-and-match their sessions.

Personal Details

Please enter your personal details below.


Session Choices

In the form below enter the code of the session you wish to attend in the "First Choice", "Second Choice" and "Third Choice" boxes.

1st Parallel Session - Tuesday 18th June 2002 16:00 - 17:30

Session Code Session PC Cluster
(Y or N)
A1 How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The E-Strategy
Tracey Stanley, University Of Leeds
A2 Right People, Right Stuff, Right Pain?
James Currall and Colin Farrow, University of Glasgow and John Byrne, University of York
A3 Testing Web Site Accessibility
Grace de la Flor, ILRT, University of Bristol
A4 <XML Everywhere />
Andrew Savory, Luminas
This session is now full
A5 The Value of Metadata and How to Realise It
Dennis Nicholson, University of Strathclyde
A6 QA For Web Sites
Brian Kelly, UKOLN
A7 Is Your Institution's Web Site Legal?
John Kelly, University of Strathclyde
A8 Providing 360° Panoramic Scenes on the Web
Jim Whyte and Graeme Fleming, University of Strathclyde

Please indicated your choices for the first parallel session in the form below.

First Choice
Second Choice
Third Choice

2nd Parallel Session - Wednesday 19th June 2002 16:00-17:30

Session Code Session PC Cluster (Y or N)
B1 Information Strategies - An Essential Navigational Tool?
Claire Surridge, University of Reading
B2 The Perfect Portal ... is a Popular Portal
Julie Stuckes, UKOLN
This session is now full
B3 Usable Design and Accessible Web Sites
David Sloan, University of Dundee
This session is now full
B4 Delivering XML in an Apache Environment
Sebastian Rahtz, University of Oxford
B5 Weblogs and Blogs: What Are They? What Can They Be Used For?
Duncan Smeed, University of Strathclyde
B6 Will The Real Mr Homepage Please Stand Up?
Colin Work, University of Southampton
B7 Dynamic Web Pages and Cross-Browser Compatibility - Can It Be Done?
Trish Murray, Netskills
B8 Exploiting Locally-Created E-resources: OAI and E-prints
Bob Kemp, University of Strathclyde

Please indicated your choices for the second parallel session in the form below.

First Choice
Second Choice
Third Choice

3rd Parallel Session - Thursday 20th June 2002 09:15-10:30

Session Code Session
C1 Interoperability and Learning Standards Briefing
Niall Sclater & Lorna Campbell, CETIS & University of Strathclyde
C2 Web Standards Briefing
Brian Kelly, UKOLN
C3 Web Sites And Legislation Briefing
Betty Willder, JISC Legal Information Service
Please note that this session will duplicate some of the material will be be given in the hands-on session on "Is Your Institution's Web Site Legal?: A Guide To Keeping Your Web Site Compliant With Recent Legislation" (session A7).
C4 Computer Scientists - A Help Or A Hindrance ;-)!
Duncan Smeed, University of Strathclyde
C5 Departmental Freedom vs. Centralised Control
Mike McConnell & Iain Middleton, University of Aberdeen
C6 Advertising On Web Sites
Kriss Fearon, University of York and Ralph Weedon, University of Strathclyde
C7 Vendor Presentations
A number of vendors will give brief presentations and demonstrations of software which will be of interest to Institutional Web managers.
C8 Birds of a Feather Session
There will be an opportunity for workshop delegates to suggest birds-of-a-feater sessions.

Please indicated your choices for the third parallel session in the form below. Note that you will be able to change your choice for the third parallel session as these will probably be held in lecture theatres.

First Choice
Second Choice
Third Choice
Suggestion(s) for a Birds of a Feather Session

NOTE: Please ensure that you have filled in the fields correctly, including your personal details

NOTE: We cannot guarantee that everyone will get their first choice.

If you have any queries about this form then please send email to


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LAST MODIFIED: 2d July 2002

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