The Institutional Web Management Workshop 2006
(IWMW) was held at
the University of Bath from
14th -
16th June 2006.
The event provides an opportunity for those involved in the provision of institutional Web services to hear about institutional case studies, national initiatives and emerging technologies and to actively participate in a number of parallel sessions.
The Institutional Web Management Workshop series are organised by UKOLN in order to support members of institutional Web management teams within the UK Higher and Further Educational communities and related organisations.
Next year's workshop (IWMW 2007) will be held at the University of York on Monday 16th - Wednesday 18th July 2007.
Please note that a workshop report is available.
A wiki was used at IWMW 2006 for delegates to add comments on talks, discussion groups etc.
A number of IWMW 2006 Blogs are up and running.
The recommended tag for content relating to the workshop is 'iwmw2006'. Please use for your bookmarks, blogs and images, for example:
Further information is available on the tags page.
The UKOLN Open Forum event was held from 10.00-12.00 before the official opening of IWMW 2006.
Please note that there are a number of RSS news feeds available about the event.
Further information is available on the RSS Feeds and Web Syndication page.
The Institutional Web Management Workshop 2006 was sponsored by Nedstat, Eduserv,TERMINALFOUR, DADENLIMITED and Netskills. Further information about the sponsors is available.