Preservation of Web Resources: The JISC PoWR Project
Brian Kelly, Marieke Guy, Richard Davies, Ed Pinsent, Kevin Ashley and Jordan Hatcher were co-authors of a paper on "Preservation of Web Resources: The JISC PoWR Project" which was presented at the iPres 2008 conference at the British Library, London 29-30th September 2008.
Citation Details
Kelly, B., Guy, M., Davies, R., Pinsent, E., Ashley, K. and Hatcher, J. Preservation of Web Resources: The JISC PoWR Project. Published 29 September, 2008. Available at <>
The paper is available from the University of Bath institutional repository.
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This paper describes the work of the JISC-funded PoWR (Preservation Of Web Resources) project which is developing a handbook on best practices and advice aimed at UK higher and further educational institutions for the preservation of Web sites and Web resources.
The paper summarises the challenges institutions face in preserving Web resources, describes the workshops organized by the project in order to identify the challenges and identify appropriate best practices, and outlines areas in which further work is required.
Biographical Details
Brian Kelly works for UKOLN, a centre of expertise in digital
information funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) and the
Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA).
Brian's job title is UK Web Focus - a national Web coordination and advisory post.
His areas of work include Web standards, Web accessibility, Web 2.0 and quality assurance
for digital library development activities. Brian is the project director for the
JISC PoWR (Preservation of Web Resources) project.
Marieke Guy has worked at UKOLN, a centre of excellence in digital information management, since 2000. As a research officer in UKOLN's Community and Outreach group she supports the development of digital resources and services within the education and cultural heritage information environments by providing advice and guidance on policy and best practice in a number of areas including Web 2.0. Marieke is co-chair of the Institutional Web Management Workshop, a 3-day annual event for the UK HE/FE Web management community. She is also a team member of the JISC PoWR project, which is addressing Web resource preservation issues.
Ed Pinsent has worked at the University of London Computer Centre (ULCC) since 2004, where he works as digital archivist as part of the National Digital Archive of Datasets (NDAD), a team of specialists performing curation and preservation of UK Government digital records under contract to The National Archives. Since joining ULCC from a more traditional background in archives and records management, he has worked on JISC projects connected with digital assets and their management. He is also under contract to the JISC providing a web-archiving service for the capture, management and preservation of JISC project Web sites, which takes place within the framework of the UK Web-Archiving Consortium (UKWAC).
Richard Davis has been working with database systems since 1986
and Web systems since 1996, when he developed a pilot intranet for the Forensic
Science Laboratory in London. He has worked at ULCC since 1997, variously as data analyst,
developer and project manager for several web-based preservation and archives projects,
including the National Digital Archive of Datasets (NDAD), Significant Properties
of E-learning Objects (SPeLOs) and Social Networking Extensions for Eprints (SNEEP).
He is also studying part-time, on-line, at Edinburgh University for an MSc in E-learning.
Kevin Ashley is Head of Digital Archives at the University of London Computer Centre (ULCC). For the past thirteen years, Kevin's multi-disciplinary group has worked on the preservation of digital resources on behalf of other organisations. In many cases this has included providing descriptions of those resources and managing access to them. This has involved many types of information (databases, text, video and audio) with different access patterns and cataloguing requirements. The group has operated the National Digital Archive of Datasets (NDAD) for the UK National Archives for over 10 years, and provide customised digital repository services to a range of organisations. They also conduct research and development in digital preservation and provide training in its practical application.
Kevin represents ULCC on the board of the Digital Preservation Coalition. He is currently chair of JISC's Repositories and Preservation Advisory Group and chair of judges for the DPC's Digital Preservation Award. He was a member of the RLG-NARA task force seeking to develop an audit and certification mechanism for trusted digital repositories. He has contributed to training through the Society of Archivists and the DPC, and led the delivery in Europe of Cornell's award-winning digital preservation training programme. Prior to his involvement in this area, Kevin worked in medical image processing, network development and operation and systems management.
Jordan Hatcher is a lawyer, academic, and entrepreneur working on Intellectual Property and Internet law issues in the UK and worldwide. He has developed a speciality in open content licensing, including Creative Commons. In 2007, he was a founder and co-author of a set of open data licences available at He works as the IP Evangelist at IP Value Added Ltd, an IP strategy/ advisory business with a simple ethos -- IP understanding and sophistication for the masses and not just the elite. Jordan is also part of the JISC PoWR project, where he examines legal issues surrounding Web preservation.