Members of the Programme Committee are responsible for the content of the workshop. The committee members represent a cross-section of the Web management community.
Contact details for the committee members are given below:
Brian Kelly [Further details] is also supporting the Programme Committee.
This year we will also have a team responsible for managing the communications infrastructure.
Feel free to contact any member of the Programme Committee if you wish to submit a proposal for the workshop.
Members of the Organising Committee are responsible for the organisational and financial aspects of the workshop. Contact details for the committee members are given below:
Natasha Bishop is the Events and Marketing Manager at UKOLN with responsibility for all events undertaken by the organisation along with marketing the organisation to the wider community.
Natasha has over 6 years of experience at organising events and has been at UKOLN since October 2003.
Natasha is chair of the Organising Committee.
Natasha Bishop
can be contacted at or by
phone on 01225 386256.
Stephen Emmott is the Head of Web Services at London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE). He leads a team of 6 delivering the LSE's Web site and Intranet. Prior to LSE he was the Editor of Web Services at King's College London (1997 to 2000). Stephen's first encounter with the Internet was in 1992 whilst studying for an MSc in Cognitive Science. Upon graduating he taught as a visiting lecturer before moving into the new media industry to work for pioneering web agencies.
Stephen is a member of the Programme Committee.
Stephen Emmott
can be contacted at
or by phone on 0207 9556939.
Marieke Guy
is currently a member of the Interoperability Focus team at
UKOLN. Interoperability Focus is a national activity,
jointly funded by JISC
of the Further and Higher Education Funding Councils and the
Marieke is based at UKOLN.
Marieke has attended and presented at a number of the Institutional Web Management Workshops but this is the first time she will be taking on the responsibility of chair of the programme committee.
Marieke's previous roles at UKOLN have included Project Manager for the Subject Portals Project and ePrints UK Projects, NOF-digitise Advisor and editor of Cultivate Interactive, Exploit Interactive and Ariadne Web Magazines. Her interests include Web standards, quality assurance, Internet community, Internet law and collaborative Web tools.
Marieke is chair of the Programme Committee and a member of the Organising Committee.
Marieke Guy
can be contacted at
or by phone on 01225 385105.
Matt Jukes is currently Production Manager for JISC Communications and Marketing responsible for a team covering events, publications as well as the Web site but was previously the JISC Web Editor and prior to that was the Web site Manager for the Economic and Social Research Council.
Matt is a member of the Programme Committee.
Matt Jukes
can be contacted at
or by phone on 0117 9545080.
Brian Kelly
is UK Web Focus - a post funded by the
and MLA which provides
advice and support to the UK Higher and Further Education communities and the museums,
libraries and archives sector on Web issues.
Brian is based at UKOLN.
Brian has been chair of the programme committee for the Institutional Web Management Workshop series since he established the event in 1997. This year he is taking a more backseat role but will continue to support the workshop.
Brian's interests include Web standards, Web accessibility, quality assurance for Web services and innovative Web developments, including collaborative Web tools.
Brian is a supporting member of the Programme Committee.
Brian Kelly
can be contacted at
or by phone on 01225 383943.
Carolyne Smart is Web Team leader, EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council).
Carolyne is a member of the Programme Committee.
Carolyne Smart can be contacted at
or by phone on 01793 444323.
Jeremy Speller is Head of Web Services,
University College London. He has been involved
with the UCL Web presence since
1995 and is now Head of Web Services. He is currently working on the migration of
UCL's central materials to
a Zope/Silva-based CMS and is taking forward development of an enterprise portal.
Jeremy is also involved with development of services to provide the student
experience of the future and has particular interest in the use of handheld and
mobile devices. Prior to becoming a full-time Web "operative", Jeremy's background
was in planning and statistics at UCL
and previously at the University of Birmingham. Way back when he ran the Overseas
Research Students Awards Scheme at what was then
Jeremy is a member of the Programme Committee.
Jeremy Speller can be contacted at
or by phone on 0207 6795779.
Emma Tonkin is a member of the Interoperability Focus team at UKOLN.
Emma is a member of the Communications Infrastructure Team.
Emma Tonkin
can be contacted at
or by phone on 01225 384930.
Greg Tourte is a Systems Developer for UKOLN.
Greg is a member of the Communications Infrastructure Team.
Greg Tourte
can be contacted at
or by phone on 01225 384709.
Eddie Young is UKOLN's Computing Support Officer and provides systems support for the network.
Eddie is a member of the Communications Infrastructure Team.
Eddie Young
can be contacted at
or by phone on 01225 386450.